Chapter 6

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Ren never knew how her brain could be so full of information. The goddess had shown her things from the other kingdoms as well as Morgan's destiny and the impending doom. The creation of the nations, Ursula, the magic within her as well as the terrible accident that had befallen her close friend.

What am I to do when I awaken?

Protect the kingdom until the other five gods awaken by the witch's hand. Turbulent times are coming.

Marcus smiled to himself as he stretched in front of the morning sun. The view of the ocean looked beautiful from here, the bright blue water lapping against the white sand, and the fresh ocean breeze that rustled the palm trees. It was like the soft song that he wanted so badly to replicate on his violin. A low rumble came from his stomach, signifying his need for nourishment.

He glanced above, coconuts hanging heavily on the palm trees, "Right. Gotta climb trees," he mumbled to himself while walking towards one of the shorter palm trees. Using his hands to grip the flexible trunk and legs to boost him over it. However, like the klutz he was, he lost his balance. The soft sand beneath him partially cushioning the fall.

Marcus let out a groan, his head falling back onto the sand. He could feel a bruise form in his behind as well as a stinging sensation in his hands.

"What are you doing?" a deep voice rumbled close, nearly startling him. His eyes met a pair of dark orbs, pale olive skin dripping with water. At his hips, a cloth had been tied, covering the male organ.

Marcus blushed and stood up, wiping his stinging hands against his shirt, "I was trying to get some coconuts but it seems I failed." 

"I can see that," the man spoke. Marcus could feel Caspian's presence near, his masculine scent filling his nose.

He gave a nervous chuckle, "Guess I forgot to pay the gravity bill today."

Caspian ignored his joking attempt, his hands darting out and grabbing Marcus's hands.  A rough thumb ran over the abrasion on the palm of his hand, making Marcus wince.

"Please don't hurt yourself," Caspian murmured softly, his tone low and seductive to Marcus's ears, sending blood rushing throughout his body.

"I was only hungry," Marcus mumbled. The simmering heat emanating from Caspian disappeared, replaced by a bag filled with oysters and shrimp. Marcus blinked and looked at Caspian who was standing a few feet away, the water on his skin glistening in the sun. His expression was stoic, scruff lining the strong jawline, black hair pressed against his skin by the water. To anyone he looked like a man who was restraining his inner beast, but Marcus saw something in his eyes. They looked pained and filled with a self inflicted torture.

"Caspian?" Marcus spoke softly.

Caspian's gaze remained at the sea but his baritone voice reached his ears, "Yes?"

"Why are you sad?" Marcus said softly. The male stiffened, tense muscles shifting beneath his skin. Marcus reached out, his hand touching Caspian's forearm in a form of consolation but the man recoiled from his touch, black fire dancing in his eyes.

"Do not touch me human," he snarled, his body slipping into the water, disappearing from his sight.

Marcus's heart filled with pity for the man, "What have you done that has made you so?" he murmured softly into the sea breeze, tucking a strand of white hair behind his ear. He took a a breath before turning to his violin, hoping an upbeat tune would chase away the pain that had settled in his heart for the mysterious and bipolar stranger.

Atlantis watched as the brooding Onyx king slithered into the coliseum, the green glow from Ren's sphere casting an eerie light on the royals and a few trusted guards.

"Are you ready?" Kai spoke, his voice filtering into his thoughts.

Atlantis nodded. With trembling fingers he grabbed the scroll, filled with ancient writing that only he and Morgan understood, something his lover had taught him when they were both children.

Using the blade he had on his hip, he dug the sharp tip into his palm, blood seeping out through the cut. Without delay he pressed his palm against the base of the column, the stone greedily sucking the blood from his body as his lips murmured the enchantment from the scroll.

Upon the sacred stone,
Take the blood of royal born.

Release the Emerald Guardian
Bring forth memories of the archean.

Awaken oh Compassionate One
and accept the blood that runs.

Atlantis winced, pulling away once he felt that enough blood had been taken from him. Crimson liquid traveled from the base and towards the sphere, red ribbons wrapping around it, the tendrils seeping into the sphere.

Symbols made of blood appeared around the green orb. Movement could be seen within, bright light growing before breaking the walls of the sphere.

Silence filled the coliseum, breaths being held at bay.

"Kai!" a soft voice cried out, a flash of black hair and green scales darting towards the Emerald King. Laughter and soft murmurs filled the two, sending a pang into Atlantis's chest but he knew that he wanted the two to catch up for a few moments.

It wasn't until Destan and Aceso coughed, catching the couple's attention and finally letting Atlantis have a good look at Ren. Her body glowed, a small bump visible beneath her skin, indicating the rapid growth of the child within her.

Atlantis took a deep but shaky breath, "Ren, I need your help."

"Of course. Just take me to him," the Emerald Queen spoke.

With a flick of their tails they made there way where Morgan rested, his pale and sleeping  features relaxed.

"Can you help him?" he said, hope blooming inside his chest.

The mermaid nodded, placing her slender and scaly hands around Morgan's head, her lips moving in silence. Green light enveloped her hands and spread around his lover's mind.

Moments passed, the three kings filing into the room,  before the light faded and Ren pressed her lips against Morgan's forehead.

Morgan's eyes flew open, green and vertical pupils visible, eyes darting about to take in his surroundings.

Tears of happiness filled Atlantis's eyes and like many times before, he pulled Morgan's fingers into his and pressed the tips to his lips, "Oh Morgan," he whispered his other hand reaching out to touch his cheek.

Morgan recoiled away from his touch, his eyes wide with horror, "Who are you?"

Because nothing is better than cheering someone up with Pirate's of the Caribbean. :3

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