Chapter 20

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Caspian fists clenched, "Why Lilith? You're my best friend!"

Lilith leaned against the doorway, "It's all for revenge, love. Do you not remember what your family did to mine."

Confusion clouded his mind as he thought back to his childhood.

Lilith was a quiet girl that palace took in as a servant, who later became a playmate for Caspian, Elric and his younger brother. He couldn't remember a day when Lilith wasn't treated with care.

"My family always treated you like one of us," Caspian snarled.

Lilith laughed, "They took me in so they could ease the guilt. They sent soldiers to kill my village, the one in the south."

Caspian's jaw clenched, "That village was practicing with black arts, trying to summon the dead."

Lilith hissed, "We sought knowledge. You destroyed it!"


He could feel the god within him take over his body. Tattoos blurred over his skin and through the reflection from the stone he could see his eyes turn completely black.

The blades he had strapped to his back suddenly appeared in his hands, it's metal handles turning into chains and wrapping around his wrists.

This body is smaller than the body I once had, a voice echoed through his mind.

Hey! Marcus thought to the god inside him, Don't make fun of my body!

Quiet laughter came from the god, When this fight is over I will be training your body to become much better.

Marcus sighed. He knew his rail thin body was way too weak for any form of combat. He could feel it when the god moved his body.

Through his eyes he could see Caspian in his bizarre form and Atlantis with his spear move closer to Lilith.

Why do we need to fight?  They look like they have it under control, Marcus thought.

Watch, the god simply said.

A loud cry came from Lilith, sounding through the room as Atlantis and Caspian suddenly doubled over, their bodies spasming.

Marcus gasped, Caspian! What's going on Ashur?

The woman's aura is poisonous to those around her, a side effect from the black magic. It seems she's kept it under control by a potion, Ashur explained, twirling the blade in Marcus' fingers.

Only Marcus and Morgan remained upright, the witch's hands glowing with magic.

"Why do you do this?" Morgan said, his pupils narrowing into thin slits.

Lilith grinned as she neared Morgan, her aura nearly visible around her body. It pulsed, sending a wave over Morgan.

Morgan cried out, his body fighting the poison the controlled his body.

Marcus felt his soul writhe in agony as he saw his lover and two friends fall.

Morgan! he cried.

Clear your mind little one, Ashur spoke, We can still save your friends. But your soul needs to stop fighting my presence.


Morgan struggled against the poison, his mouth going suddenly dry as the moisture in his body began to leave.

His eyes wandered over Atlantis, body still fighting.

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