Chapter 14

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They arrived to Morgan's small island, the cave looming ahead.

Morgan definitely remembered his childhood home. They were mostly dark memories that brought a rather depressing feeling. Memories of loneliness and hiding from the haughty looks of the merfolk.

Yet, some of those memories included flashes of red. He knew nothing of what they meant but hopefully his home may provide some enlightenment.

As his home became visible, the glow of several potions lit up the dark cave.

"Wow Morgan! Your home looks so comfy!" Cassio giggled as he went to bounce on Morgan's bed and dancing about the seaweed that made up the bed's canopy.

Morgan chuckled at the fae's enthusiasm and went towards the stone shelf where his potions stood proudly along with his tools.

"How long will it take you to complete the potion?" Atlantis spoke, his voice echoing through the cave walls, golden eyes glowing.

Morgan fought the urge to look at the handsome prince, instead, he focused on Cassio's glow. "If I remember correctly, the potion for Marcus will be different than the one I gave to Ren and Aceso."

"May I ask why?"

Morgan bit the inside of his cheek before he spoke, "Marcus has become more of a mer than human. The potion will only accelerate that process for him to become a complete merman."

Atlantis took his place at the entrance, his spear resting on the wall, "Is he," the prince paused, "Is he Caspian's other half?" Morgan closed his eyes, fingers touching a potion that was hidden behind the others.

"When I saw them together," he murmured softly, picking up the vial, "Their auras were in sync, glowing like the stars from the heavens."

The Emerald prince stayed quiet and when Morgan looked at him, he couldn't help but see sadness in his golden hues.

However, a strange image flashed before Morgan's eyes. It looked like a younger version of Atlantis. Bright innocent eyes and a single hand outstretched, accompanied by a wide smile.

Morgan blinked and shook his head. Sure, Atlantis was attractive, with his soft lips and sinews of muscles moving beneath his white skin, complimenting well with the his red hair.

Focus! Morgan chastised himself. He needed to focus on the potion for Marcus, not his missing memories or the rather attractive merman in his home. He squirmed at the naughty thoughts that clouded his mind.

"Cassio," he spoke suddenly to the fae, "I need the ink of an octopus. Do you think you can ask for a small vial?"

"Aye sir!" Cassio said excitedly and swam away.


Atlantis watched Morgan as he began mixing the different potions together, the witch muttering unfamiliar words underneath his breath.

The simple fact that Morgan was acting like his old self bought reassurance. The possibility of Morgan remembering Atlantis becoming more favorable.

"You're staring at me," Morgan teased, his body suddenly way too close to Atlantis.

Atlantis swallowed as he took in the witch's exotic beauty. Familiar green eyes that flickered curiously over Atlantis's features, full pink lips a few centimeters away from his. He could feel his own heart beat rapidly inside his chest, the noise of drums flooding his ears. He held his breath as the silence between them grew.

What followed next was something that he only dreamt of.

Lips crashed, hands clinging into his hair and soft whimpers rising from Atlantis's throat. The kiss caught him by surprise but the familiar touch of tongue against his closed lips made him realize who he was kissing.

Atlantis reached out, his fingers threading themselves into Morgan's hair as he returned the kiss. It could've been love or lust, a simple spur of the moment. But like a starved merman, he took whatever Morgan was willing to give him. Hands ran desperately over each others bodies, Morgan's nails cutting into Atlantis's skin. Their arousals became evident, tails splitting into legs, pupils dilating and breaths more erratic.

"Take me Atlantis," Morgan murmured, his sharp teeth nipping Atlantis's lips.

Oh, how much I want to, Atlantis thought. He would've have done if it weren't for the tiny fae.

"Master Morgan? Your highness?" the tiny high pitch voice said. Atlantis's eyes widened, seeing the tiny light fae clutching a small vial of black liquid, his light a deep shade of red.

They quickly parted, legs shifting back into tails.

Awkwardness filled the three until the tiny being spoke up, breaking the ice, "I bought ink!"


"Are you sure this is safe?" Marcus said, peering at the vial filled with glowing silver liquid.

Morgan grinned, "Of course it is. It's going to make you look extra pretty!"

He pouted, pretty was definitely emasculating.

Warm lips pressed against Marcus's temple, "Drink it and I'll show you my world."

"Sound like a cheesy line straight out of a Disney movie," he muttered only to laugh at Caspian's confused expression. He waved his hand in dismissal, "Ignore me," he chuckled raising the vial into the air and swallowing the liquid. A sweet aftertaste remained in his mouth, making Marcus scrunch his nose. "So what are the.side effects?"

Morgan shrugged, "A tail and a little bit of pain."

Marcus's eyes widened but his legs crumbled, his body falling against Caspian's as pain sliced up his spine.

Destan approached the prisoner. Wild eyes staring out from the bars of his cell.

"Are you ready to talk?" The Diamond King stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

The prisoner was curled up in a fetal position, hands clasped over his ears as he tried to block out the voices in his head.

Destan watched, curiosity in his blue eyes, "Well?"

Elric removed his trembling fingers from his ears, his voice hoarse as he spoke, "What have I to say? The only thing I have to lose is out of my reach. I have disobeyed my master and attempted to assassinate royals."

"Who is your master?"

Elric remained quiet, eyes never moving from his taloned fingers. He wanted to say but the idea that his master would have mercy on him gave him a small glimmer of hope.

Destan sighed, "What do you gain by protecting and serving this master of yours?"

"Something I desire. Something that you royals are to egotistical to care!" Elric yelled, launching himself against the bars.

The king only blinked, "Are you willing to talk then?"

Elric only hissed in response, black eyes filled with hatred, "Never."

Destan's only smiled, "You will soon."

Thought I have a little Morantis action ;)
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