Chapter 5

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When he took sustenance from the Emerald Kingdom to the human boy the sun had set and a full moon illuminated the dark skies. The boy's food laid delicately in a neat pile as he balanced it in his hands.

What are you doing Caspian? he thought to himself, Assuming the responsibility of a human. You should hate them, they killed your best friend.

Yet, he couldn't help himself. The boy was strange. His white hair and silver eyes had stirred something within him, something he hadn't felt since his he was sprouting youth, something forbidden.

His eyes took in the light from the island, a small fire illuminated the boy's features, giving him a rather faery like face. As he neared the island he heard a strange sound.

He closed his eyes, letting his ears take in the sound of the musical notes. It was soft and high, but at the same time it made his soul feel light, as if nothing was tying him down. Unconsciously, he followed the music, his tail turning into legs once he felt the sand beneath him.

The notes became louder but they abruptly stopped, taking Caspian out of his trance. Slowly his eyes opened, the boy's eyes wide, a strange contraption hovering beneath his chin and other piece in his hand.

"Mister?" the boy said, his white hair glinting in the light from the fire.

Caspian couldn't form words, his hands trembled as he held out the boy's food in front of him, "I've brought you sustenance."

The boy white eyebrows rose as he set his contraption to the side and took the pile of food from his hands, "Thank you," the boy spoke, his lips tilting upwards in a smile.

Warmth bloomed inside his chest, his hand running over his chest. It wasn't till he saw the boy's cheeks flush red that he noticed his state of undress.

Quickly he grabbed a fallen palm leaf and pressed it against his waist as he stood uncomfortably in front of the boy.

"My name is Marcus," the boy said, slipping a piece of squid into his mouth.

"Marcus," Caspian spoke, letting the foreign name rolled off his tongue, his "r" emphasized by his onyx accent. He couldn't help but want to say they boy's name over and over.

"What is yours?" Marcus quipped, his grey eyes falling on his.

He quickly glanced at the dark sea before looking at Marcus once more, "Caspian."

"How old are you?"

"One hundred and twelve."

Marcus eyes grew wide with awe, "Wow. You look like twenty three."

He glanced at the ground, "I suppose. How old are you in human years?" he said gruffly, feeling rather shy around Marcus.

The boy giggled, a musical sound coming from his slender form, "I'm not as old as you but I just turned nineteen a month ago."

Caspian raised his brows, "I thought you were a boy, not a young man."

A red tinge coated Marcus's cheeks as his pink lips sucked an oyster. Caspian felt his lower region stir as he thought about the succulent lips wrapped around something else.

"I've always been small," Marcus chuckled nervously, "I suppose I am vertically challenged."

Caspian blinked, "Vertically challenged?" he spoke, confused.

"I'm naturally short," Marcus pouted.

Caspian's hands clenched around the stem of leaf as he tried to calm down his arousal. Being around Marcus made his body respond to him in the most unnatural ways.

With a strained voice he turned, his back to the boy, "I have to go. I will see when the rises again," he spoke before dropping the leaf and diving back into the cold water.

He could hear the voices whisper to him in the dark. Morgan couldn't hear them clearly and it frustrated him to no end, any more an he was sure he would go insane.

Silence! he cried in his mind, the voices obeying his command.

For a few moments enjoyed the blissful silence but it broke when a soft laughter filled his mind.

Oh Morgan, a light voice said with a hint of amusement.

If Morgan could move, he was sure he would've snarled under his breath, Who are you?

A bright light blinded him. For the smallest second he thought he had finally opened his eyes and regained control of his body, instead he found himself in a strange place.

Water stretched for miles, no land masses visible in sight. The sky was the brightest blue he had ever seen, scattered clouds decorating the blue blanket.

"It's a quaint place isn't it?" a feminine voice broke through the silence.

Morgan turned, his eyes falling on a mermaid. Only from her waist up she was visible, the rest of her hidden beneath the water. Black scales coated the sides of her body, her hands were covered in black skin, shifting to white at the elbows. Black spikes growing from her back and her midnight hair growing from her scalp, looking like tentacles. She looked familiar to him but he couldn't place a finger on it.

"Who are you?" he spoke softly, his eyes trailing over the woman's ethereal features while searching for the colors of her aura but he found none.

She laughed, a high bell sound that reminded anyone of a goddess, "Darling, I am Ursula."

"Great Aunt," he spoke, mesmerized. He remembered her, the kind mermaid who always snuck him sweets when he was a small mer child. But she had disappeared. No trace of her had been found. It wasn't until later that he found out about his Great Aunts abilities and her significant role in the creations of the mer kingdoms.

A wide grin spread across his face, "It's nice to see you again. Where have you gone all this time?"

Ursula neared him, her inky fingers reaching out and touching his hair, "I've moved on to another realm, I've been that way for a century or two."

Morgan neared closer to her maternal touch, "Why am I here?"

"I need you here for a few moments before you regain consciousness. Angerona's host has tried to awaken you but I was able to put up a few walls before you could. It's by sheer fate that you were rendered unconscious," Ursula murmured, her vertical, red irises looking tenderly into his.

"Angerona?" Morgan said, confused.

"The Diamond Goddess."

He nodded in acknowledgment, "What is it that you need to speak to me?"

Ursula smiled softly, both hands cupping his cheeks, "You're a powerful witch Morgan and I am proud that once again my family will serve the gods."

Morgan could feel his heart beat inside his chest, "What do you mean great aunt?"

A mysterious smile took over her features before leaning in and pressing her lips against his forehead, "Awaken my child."

Whew! Hope you guys like this chapter c:

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