Chapter 8

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He was so soft.

From the silky white hair to the milky white skin that had begun to darken from the sun. However the lean muscles that laid beneath were tense, shifting every now and then to accommodate his wandering hands.

Yet, his blood was the sweetest potion he ever tasted. Like the freshest seawater that was untouched by man. He could feel the blood quench a thirst he never knew he had.

"C-Caspian, what are you doing?" the boy whimpered beneath him, jolting him from his thoughts. With a gasp he pulled his fangs from Marcus's skin, two puncture wounds slightly visible. Cursing under his breath, setting a certain distance from the boy.

He couldn't believe he almost competed the bond.

"Caspian?" a soft voice said, his tender tone one of someone approaching a beast.

I am a beast, he thought. Taking without permission and nearly claiming the boy as his own. He turned, facing a pair of silver eyes, pools rippling with confusion. However at his neck, black tinged the skin that surrounded the wounds.

The Mark, he thought, cursing himself.

"Caspian? Tell me? What's wrong?"

"I'm so sorry," he spoke, his voice pained.

"I don't understand. Why are you apologizing? I enjoyed it if that's what you're worried about," Marcus said.

He took deep breaths, calming his inner turmoil, "I marked you," he murmured, fingers touching the wound making Marcus hiss in pain.

Caspian pulled his hand away. He needed to get rid of the Mark, he didn't want to be tied to the mongrel before him, no matter how much he made his heart beat every time he saw him.

"I have to go," he blurted, fleeing once again to the ocean depths.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Caspian growled, his muscles tensing beneath his skin.

The Emerald Queen shrugged, sinking her teeth into shark meat, tossing the bone onto a plate where many more had gathered, "I'm the host of the Emerald Goddess, not the Onyx God. If anyone should know how to remove the Mark it would be him or Morgan. But considering Morgan is amnesiac at the moment, you'd have to wait until he regains those memories he lost."

Caspian growled again in frustration, "But I can't be mated to him! Do you know how demeaning it would be for me to have a human as a mate?"

"I am a human," Ren muttered, taking a sip from her drink.

"But you're the host of the goddess. Marcus isn't," he stated.

He watched Ren's brows raise, "So that's his name," she murmured, a sly smile appearing over her lips, "What's he like?"

An image flashed through his mind, pink lips parted and gray eyes staring at him through a hooded gaze, white hair framing his porcelain features.

"Vile and hideous," he lied, turning away from the queen.

Morgan hummed to himself, fingers caressing the glowing flowers of the garden, each one familiar to him, each one having their cure as well as their poison.

"Morgan!" a voice said, catching his attention. Blue scales and silver eyes awoke something in him. The mermaid seemed so familiar, but beneath the tender face he saw someone else.

A woman who's light blue aura nearly overpowered that of her host, yet it was contained. His vertical pupils then saw a small glow at the mermaid's abdomen, aura pulsing with innocence.

"You're pregnant," he blurted.

Blush coated her cheeks, "Yes. I-"

"If you don't bond with the goddess soon, her aura will destroy your child," He murmured softly but regretted it when a pair of frightened eyes met his.

"I must go back to the Diamond Kingdom then," the host murmured.

You need to do the ritual, a voice said in his mind, comforting and in a rather motherly tone.

Ursula, he thought, her name familiar on his lips. He could feel her presence in the back of his mind, guiding his movements.

"I will go with you. Bring your husband," he murmured, swimming past her.

"I'm coming too," another voice said. Morgan turned, his breath catching in his throat.

The merman who called himself Atlantis floated a few paces away, blood red hair framing his lean body, gold jewelry hugging his biceps and a circlet resting on his head. Yet, what captivated him was the pools of melted gold rimmed with dark lashes. Morgan didn't like the feeling that had bubble inside his chest, yet it was comforting in a strange sort of way.

Morgan swallowed nervously, eyes darting to Atlantis's lips, "T-that's fine."

The merman shifted closer, sending Morgan's heart in a frenzy as Atlantis leaned in. He half expected the haired merman to kiss him on the lips, instead he felt fingers tuck a strand of seaweed behind his ear, a look of tenderness in his gaze.

"Let's go," Atlantis murmured, swimming away, his presence strangely missed.


Elric growled under his breath as he paced back and forth in his lair. Potions glowed brightly in their glass vials, a few holding strange animals.

Master, an eel hissed, blue electricity dancing about over his slick body, sharp teeth jutting forth from its putrid mouth.

"What do you know," he demanded, nails sinking into the palm of his flesh.

There is a human boy on the island near the Emerald Kingdom. I've seen the Onyx King make several trips there. Also, my sources tell me that the witch still lives and he will commence the ritual with the Diamond Goddess's host, the eel hissed against, it's tail whipping back and forth.

Elric bared his sharp teeth in frustration. He couldn't be in two places at once, and he couldn't be near the Onyx King or the Emerald Prince because they'll surely recognize him.

However, the faint glow of a dark blue potion caught his attention. He'd nearly forgotten about it, the green moss almost completely covering the glass. Elric grabbed it, a plan already forming in his mind.

He turned to the eel, "Bring me the She-Demon."

His servant left, leaving Elric smirking to himself.

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