Chapter 4

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When Marcus regained consciousness, he noticed something hard was press against his cheek. Slowly, he opened his eyes, the bright light of the sun's rays nearly blinding him. Once his pupils adjusted, he noticed the white sand spread out in front of him, the crystal blue water rushing towards the shore.

Palm trees grew from his right and left, their shade protecting his fair skin from the sun. He could feel the familiar pressure of his violin next to him, bringing a sense of security to his rather fragile state of mind. He didn't know where he was and the memories of what happened assaulted him in waves, images of the rather handsome man saving his life.

"You've awakened," a bored voice said from behind, startling him.

Marcus turned, a rather jaw dropping sight sending his heart beating rather rapidly inside his chest. He stood there in all his naked glory, skin glistening as the water droplets rolled off his muscles, looking exactly like someone who belonged in Greek art exhibit. A pair of strong legs connect to his rather muscular torso, black hair hung in wet tendrils, clinging to his chest and well formed biceps. Dark eyes met his, making Marcus unconsciously lick his dry lips.

"Hi," he squeaked, sending blood rushing towards his cheeks in embarrassment. The man said nothing and threw a brown satchel into his lap, surprising Marcus from his oogling, "Eat."

He blinked and opened the bag, a few bits a pieces of exotic fruit filling the peculiar bag, "Thank you sir, but can you tell me where I am?"

The man had been walking towards the sea water, giving him a rather delectable view.

Marcus! Get a grip! He chastised himself, his eyes darting quickly to the sea.

"You're in an island. Far away from human civilization," the man gravely said as he was waist deep into the water. Before Marcus could protest, the stranger's body shifted. Black scales grew over his body, the points almost looking as sharp as a needle. Marcus gasped, his hand reaching out as if to touch the scaly armor. The man's head turned to him, his eyes filled with hatred that sent his own heart skittering away with fear, "Stay away from me," he snarled before slipping away into the ocean.

Marcus whimpered softly, his hands trembling as he clutched the bag close to him as if it could protect him from danger. He felt afraid of the man as well as a sense of longing to be wrapped in an embrace. He couldn't explain it. The hatred had sent his emotional state into a whirlwind of conflicted thoughts. His heart beating out for the strange creature that had left, as if Marcus belonged to the man in some way. He wasn't appalled by the stranger's peculiar a slightly frightening appearance. In fact his was fascinated, he wanted to know more about the man.

"No stranger," he murmured to the sea wind, "I won't stay away."
Atlantis stared absentmindedly at the sphere that held the Emerald Queen, but his heart laid still inside his chest. He hoped that when Ren awakened she could do something that would improve Morgan's sleep like state.

"It's almost time you know," his brother murmured by his side, "Tomorrow she'll awaken. I'm curious to know what the goddess has shown to her that might help Morgan's health."

A flash of white and blue appeared by Atlantis's other side, along with a tiny faery with it's golden hue, "Something's happened," Destan breathlessly spoke.

His heart nearly stopped, his hopes rising at the possibility of Morgan finally awakening but even that was crushed when the tiny faery spoke.

"King Caspian found a human boy!" the faery squeaked, his eyes glowing brightly. Atlantis couldn't help but feel sorrow fill his chest. Morgan had always had an interest in the humans and the fact this one was a boy, Morgan would've already dashed off to meet the human.

As if sensing his distress, Kai placed his hands on his shoulders and leaned into his whisper in his ear, "Go to Morgan. I'll meet you soon."

Atlantis clenched his fist and ignored his request, wanting to go to the training room than be weak by his lover's side. With a single tear slipping from his eye he darted to drown his sorrow in violence.

Cassio hovered close to his master as he caught sight of the Onyx King coming rather close in his true form. He knew the onyx looked formidable because of their protective and caring nature, yet King Caspian always looked like he was going to murder anything that moved in his sight.

The light faery nibbled his lip, slender arms crossed over his chest as he watched the king near the small trio.

"King Kai," the onyx spoke as his skin shifted to his regular from, his eyes shifting to the tiny faery, a slight glare in his black gaze, "I assume you already know my encounter with the human."

Kai's eyes slid over to the light faery, a knowing grin on his lips. Blush filled Cassio's cheeks as he hid behind his master's shoulder, who only chuckled at his embarrassment, "Oh we know. Tell me, what do you plan to do with the boy?"

Cassio was curious of the foreign king's answer. He may have guided him towards Ren's island but even the light faery couldn't see past the expressionless mask the onyx king put up when he took the boy. He couldn't help but think that the onyx king may put the human under the care of the Emerald King.

He watched the onyx stern expression shift into something rather mournful, "I'll take care of the boy. I request a few days of the use of your island as well as my lodging in your kingdom."

Cassio gasped silently in shock while a rather smug smile appeared over his lips, "I agree. I'll tell the servants to prepare you a room," the Emerald king turned to Cassio's master, "Will you be staying until Ren awakens?"

Cassio crossed his fingers, hoping King Destan would want to remain in the Emerald Kingdom for the time being.

"Of course," his master said. Cassio let out a breath that he had been holding. Hopefully Master Morgan would awaken before the human boy left.

Kinda slow but necessary :3

I also have a new story out, for all the Romanoger shippers out there. Check it out if you guys like ^.^ Thanks!

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