Chapter 15

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He could feel the waves crash against his body, a rather numbing sensation starting from his hips and all the way to his toes.

At least he thought they were toes.

His eyes fluttered open, taking in the blue sky above him. Wet sand clung against his skin when he sat up, his mind rather disoriented.

Marcus's vision blurred for a moment before it finally cleared, revealing a sleek black tail where his legs had once been.

He moved the muscles that once made up his ankles. Sharp black fins appeared from the water's surface. Giggles bubbled from his lips, fingers touching the midnight fish scales that made up his tail.

"Such a beautiful sound," Caspian murmured beside him. Long black hair glistening beneath the sun, his muscular black tail displayed in front of him.

"Caspian!" Marcus grinned, wrapping his arms around the man, who returned the gesture.

"How do you feel?" Caspian murmured, his lips pressing against his temple.

Marcus grinned, pulling away from the embrace, "I feel amazing. Will you show me the ocean now?"

Obsidian eyes glimmered with amusement, "Of course."

They say the ocean is a mystery, darkness lurking in every corner and swallowing every form of light.

They were wrong.

Civilization thrived beneath the surface, creatures of every size and color fluidly moving through the waters, scales glittering beneath the light that green stones emanated.

"What is this place called?" Marcus murmured with awe.

"The Emerald Kingdom," Caspian murmured.

He blinked, recognizing the name, "This is where Atlantis is from."

Fingers wrapped around his, gently tugging him towards what looked like a castle, "Yes. But we must hurry. Atlantis and Morgan are waiting for us in the palace walls."

Marcus chuckled quietly, "Must be nice to have friends in high places."

Caspian raised a brow, "I don't understand."

Marcus stifled a giggle at Caspian's confused face, "I mean, it must be pretty easy for being friends with the prince."

The merman looked away, "I suppose."

"Marcus! Caspian!" a high pitch voice said.

Marcus's brows furrowed, eyes searching for wherever the voice came from.

A soft ball of light caught his attention. It moved closer, revealing a tiny being.

"Wh-who are you?" Marcus said, eyes wide.

"I'm Cassio," the tiny being said, "Morgan wanted me to get you two so we can leave."

"Leave?" Marcus said slightly confused, "But I just got here."

Caspian squeezed his fingers, "There are more parts of the ocean for you to explore."

"Are you sure you don't want to stay a few more nights here?" Ren spoke, hands resting on her bulging stomach. She was a sweet woman, with brown hair and green scales. If anything, he liked the woman, reminding him of a hovering mother that he never had.

However, beside her was a man that could surely break a tree trunk in half. Turns out he was Atlantis's older brother and the king of the Emerald Kingdom.

"It's alright Ren, but I need to get moving," Morgan spoke, his arms wrapping around the woman, "But I have the need to visit the Onyx Kingdom."

Ren's eyes flitted towards Marcus, making him blush, "I understand. I wish a safe journey then."

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