Chapter 16

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Marcus shivered as he continued to swim, the water surrounding him becoming colder, but that wasn't what bothered him. It was the woman that was glued to Caspian's side.


She was pretty and she clearly had all the parts that Marcus didn't have.

"Marcus?" Cassio whispered, his tiny body swimming before him, eyes filled with understanding.

He forced a smile, "Hey Cassio."

"Marcus is sad. Why?"

So the tiny being had seen through his façade. A soft sigh left Marcus's lips, "It's nothing. Just a few insecurities."

Cassio grinned and touched his cheek, "Maybe Marcus can make himself look pretty?"

He blushed. The thought of "dressing up" for Caspian sent shivers down his spine. He knew that in the human world there were sub and dom relationships where the sub dressed up in a rather "cute" and "feminine" way. He wouldn't lie, it was something that he was willing to try but fashion in the human and mer worlds were very different.

Yet, he couldn't help but have a smirk play across his lips. Cassio was definitely onto something.

"Marcus!" Caspian said, prying himself away from Lilith's grasp and darting towards his side and grabbing his slender wrist. "I want you to see this."

Marcus heart floated inside his chest, curiosity mingling with the rather elated feeling.

Fingers linked together, Caspian guided him forward, past the exotic mermaid.

Marcus's eyes never left Caspian, his gaze traveling down the merman's tattooed body. However, something beyond that caught his eye.

A large black castle loomed ahead, black stone walls rising from the ground. Yet, that wasn't the only the only marvel.

Lights glowed from the center, illuminating the ice that surrounded the kingdom like a second protective barrier.

It was beautiful.

He couldn't even put it into words that would truly describe it's ethereal beauty.

"My god," Marcus whispered.

He could feel Caspian's eyes on him, "Do you like it?"

Marcus turned to him, his lower lip trembling, "I love it."

Lips touched, light as a feather but so full of untold emotion, "Welcome to my home," Caspian murmured, black orbs never straying away from Marcus's eyes.

With fingers locked together they swam towards the wall's entrance a set of two massive black doors guarded by several mer soldiers. Tattoos covered their collarbone, visible between the gaps of their armor.

He watched as the guards raised their fists and gave a slight bow, stoic faces never betraying their emotions. But before Marcus could delve further, his body crossed the gate.

A pained gasp left his lips. He felt something heavy land on his shoulders and merge with his own and twist the lungs inside him. It was quick, a few seconds of pain before he felt normal again.

Confusion clouded his mind, searching for a realistic answer but none came up.


He had seen it. The strange but familiar feeling that had befallen Marcus. For the smallest second he had seen the silver eyes turn completely black, including the white part of the eye.

Morgan chuckled to himself, Things are turning for the better.


Marcus's lips parted in awe. They were slowly making their way to a large building that looked like a palace made of the blackest stone, but beneath it all, lights glimmered brightly.

"This is the Onyx Palace," Morgan murmured, green hues glittering with excitement.

Marcus chuckled, "So Caspian knows the king from here too?"

Caspian's low rumble resonated from beside him, "I am the king."

Just before Marcus could say a word several trumpets sounded through the area, merpeople flooding the area.

Their hair color varied in colors but their tails were all black. Hands waved, Caspian returning the gesture.

Little time had passed before they reached the castle. The doors opened, guards lining up to a formidable throne that was carved from black stone. Beside it was a smaller throne, less formidable but threatening nonetheless.

Marcus had never been used to large homes and yet, this castle made him feel as if he had been here before.

"Welcome to my home," Caspian murmured softly into his ear.

A merman with a strange tattoo on his forehead appeared, "Your Royal Majesty," he spoke, eyes widening at Marcus's tattoos before turning back to Caspian, "The Council has been awaiting your arrival. There are some matters of the kingdom that need to be attended."

Caspian nodded, "Of course. Prepare my robes." He motioned at them, "Prepare the rooms for my guests."

Marcus bit his lip, seeing a hint of Caspian's authority as king.

Dark orbs fell on his silver ones, "There are rooms being prepared, nourishment will be offered as well."

He glanced at his fingers, looking at the dark tattoos that swirled around his digits, "Why didn't you tell me?" he murmured looking back up at him.

Something passed through Caspian's features, something he had seen in his own reflection after a long day of being teased at school, "I'll explain everything to you later. You should eat and rest."

A soft sigh left his lips at Caspian's retreating form.


A burp came from him as he took the last sip from his drink. Plates littered the tiny tray, the food resting comfortably in his stomach. He would have had dinner with Morgan and Atlantis but sexual tension between them seemed rather obvious.

He sighed softly and looked about his room. It was rather spacious, a large cushion framed by flimsy curtains nestled in the middle of the black room. Blue and red lights casting a light purple hue to the room.

A vanity table clunged to wall, the mirror catching Marcus's reflection, but a dark shadow was also visible.

"Beautiful isn't it?" a soft voice said.

Marcus turned, his eyes falling on the violet eyed mermaid, "Oh. Hello Lilith."

Lilith shifted, her sharp nails touching the black walls, "How do you like it here?"

He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "It's very pretty." He knew not if Lilith had figured out he was human but something inside him warned not to say a word about it.

"Caspian is mine," Lilith spoke suddenly,  her eyes glowing with anger, "I don't care if you're mated or not."

Marcus held back his words, his hands clenching the edge of the table as Lilith swam close, her nails a few inches away from his eye, "Besides, I have the parts to produce an heir, unlike you," she sneered, "To make it a little clearer. I can have children and you can't. Do you think the council will allow that?"

Marcus felt his heart clench inside him, realization dawning on him.

Of course, he thought, Caspian is a king. A royal who needs heirs.

"Stay away from him or you'll regret it," she snarled before swimming away from his room.

Marcus swallowed, his fingers touching his eye that had almost been gouged out.

Caspian, he thought, tears of sorrow and despair threatening to well up in his cheeks, as Lilith's words rang in his ear.

I can give him children and you can't.

A/N: Oh and the Lilith makes her move! What do you guys think?

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Looks like this book might be longer than the first two. ;)

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