24- From Bad-Ass to Smart-Ass In Nothing Flat

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The stitching caused my wounds to bleed even more and I nearly passed out. But thanks to Neyro showing up he kept me conscious by harassing me constantly asking me what I wanted to wear when I met with the council during the dinner.

“What dinner?” I hissed my hands clutching the bed as Jhebret dragged the needle through my torn flesh again tugging it to close the wound.

My jaw clenched as pain flared over my slightly numbing abdomen, Neyro looked up at me sheepishly. He leaned forward in his chair glancing from left to right nervously.

“Well you see the Council members are a little suspicious of you and Raven, Especially after the whole vanishing act. They’re really up in arms about that” He said, “I don’t want to scare you off or anything, but they aren’t too fond of you to begin with”

I normally would have answered that with a dry smirk and a snappish comment about how they won’t like me even more when I dig my ‘claws’ into Avalon and start shredding. But I was far too busy clenching my jaw and attempting to rip the bed to pieces with my bare hands, to concentrate.

With a heavy sigh Jhebret pulled the needle through once more finishing it all with a neat knot that stuck out from my stomach. He rose wiping his bloodied hands on an even bloodier rag, yet somehow he managed to come away with clean hands.

“I’ll get a wet clothe to clean this up, just stay where you are and don’t touch the stitches” He snapped looking up at me angrily.

I nearly jumped out of the bed and just about saluted him to, Jhebret turned away stalking off into the bowels of his infirmary. My head snapped to look at Neyro, my eyes narrowed and a deep rumbling growl echoed around the room.

“Once again what dinner, when the hell were these plans made!” I snapped at him.

He grinned at me, “Have I told you how nice it is to have you back?”

I groaned dropping back onto the bed pressing my arm over my eyes, “Yeah you and just about everybody else I’ve met within the last twenty-four hours. Neyro when and why were these dinner plans made”

I glanced at him from the shadow of my arm, “Right, they were made this morning shortly after Raven was reported missing and you as well. Oberon refused to comment; right now I believe he’s meeting with Tatiana. Anyways, They were made to convene with Raven about how he plans to run Avalon when his father passes, and a few other tentative topics” His voice grew into a murmur on the last part.

“What other tentative topics?” I hissed my hands clenching again.

Neyro let out a heavy sigh and I heard the chair scoot closer scraping off the wooden floor, “The wedding”

I sat straight up in the bed ignoring the burning pain bursting into full blown black-dotted-vision pain.

“What Wedding!” I shouted leaning closer to Neyro until our faces were inches apart.

“Hey! Mila dammit I told you to stay where you were” Jhebret snapped running across the room his footsteps rattling the bed.

I felt his hands grab my shoulders pulling me back to lay down on the bed, my eyes narrowed in on a spec that sat on the ceiling. Neyro remained silent and stiff sitting next to me in his chair, a wedding… they had to be joking.

It was bad enough I was his freaking Soul-mate, She thinks with an inward shudder of disdain, I did not want to tie the knot with a Fairy. It seemed the more time I spent thinking the sassier my Panther got.

“You shouldn’t have to guess Mila. He is a prince, and no matter how savage you act he will one day have to marry you” Neyro spoke softly his voice barely a whisper.

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