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(Hi I'm bored & back to wrap this up,I don't feel like I did.)

As I drove home from the grocery store with River and I's first child, there was an interruption on the radio.
"We are saddened to announce that Kurt Cobain has been found dead in his Seattle home."
and then it cut out. Come As You Are started playing on the radio. I turned the steering wheel and shuddered to a halt on the shoulder of the road. I turned the car off and sat there. Kurt and I had kept in contact, he had been in the hospital when my daughter was born, attended River and I's wedding, remained single just incase River and I didn't work out, and he had been so stoked to collaborate with that guy from R.E.M, it had to have been an accident.
My pager beeped, it was River trying to reach me.

He could wait, of course.

Suddenly, in the stuffy car, my child cooing cluelessly in the back seat, it reeked of cigarette smoke.

I had kicked the habit when I got pregnant, and River wasn't allowed to smoke in my car. I looked around, checking my surroundings for a source.

The windows were shut, nobody was near smoking a cigarette.

And as Come As You Are miraculously turned to a god awful Guns N Roses song, the volume was turned off.

There was one reason, one explanation.


My daughter stared happily at the passenger seat. I leaned my head against the window, taking in my surroundings and trying to gain a sense of rationality.

There was none, of course. Nothing rational in the situation.

When I turned the radio back on, it was on a different station.

One, confessing the circumstances of his death.

"Kurt Cobain was found with a gunshot wound to his head, this next song is the song that was in his tape player when he died. Possibly, the last song he ever heard." The woman announcing said before an R.E.M song played.

He had finally had enough.

And while the sky was black that day, I got phone calls from Courtney, wanting my help for the funeral, and from Buzz to complain about the whole thing, they were there, listening to my concerns.

I would be getting a plane ticket to Seattle to attend his funeral, to see his bandmates, to see friends and enemies of the past few years.

And while under grim circumstances, I was glad to see those people again. Away from Florida and back to the coast I called my home in the happiest time of my life.

And, Courtney would let me have a lock of his hair.

And really, that was all the bonus I needed.


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