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The phone rang that day constantly. Between friends and enemies of the past, Kurt decided to take it off the hook. With good reason. We hadn't talked much since the encounter that morning. He seemed sad. He was sleeping on the couch with his kitten. The house felt empty without Frances, she'd be home that evening.
"Ruby I think we're going to have a show next weekend." Kurt said.
"You didn't quit?" I asked.
"Nah." He said. He was laying on the couch staring at the ceiling.
"Do you wanna go?" He asked.
"Of course." I said. He smiled. I was in the kitchen doing the dishes when Courtney brought the baby.

"Ruby can you get that?" He asked lazily from the couch.
"Kind of busy with dishes." I sighed. He whined.
"Fine." He said. He went to the door and got to the baby.
"Love you bean." I heard Courtney say and I heard her kiss her daughter.
"Bye." I heard a man say.
"Bye." Kurt said. The door shut and I heard Kurt walk back into the living room.
"It was Billy Corgan." He said loudly. I scoffed.
"He's so girly. " I laughed. I heard him lay back down on the couch. After I had dried the dishes I walked into the living room to see bean asleep on Kurt's chest.
"Hey I'm going to go to bed. Don't stay up too late." I said to him. He nodded. I bent down and kissed him and then I kissed bean's head.
"Goodnight." Kurt smiled. I nodded and went upstairs.

I woke up the next morning Kurt-less. I went downstairs to the living room. Kurt and bean were sound asleep. I went back upstairs and got dressed. I quietly put on my shoes at the bottom of the stairs and grabbed my keys off of the table by the door. I unlocked Kurt's car and got in. I drove down the long driveway to the gate. It opened like a remote garage door. There were people waiting outside of the gate. They perked up when they saw the car. I rolled down the window.
"What do you think you're doing?" I asked. A couple of edgy teenagers were sitting against the wall smoking cigarettes. One, wearing a nirvana shirt.
"Oh my god." One of the teenage boys said.
"We're here for Kurt." Another boy said.
"You're hotter in real life. I've only seen you in magazines." Another boy said.
I drove through the gate and shut it. I got out of the car and turned it off.

"You know celebrities are humans too. My husband is not public domain." I said. People liked me more than Courtney. Everyone thought she was bad for him, and from what I know, she was. But there were always the girls indirectly in rock who were jealous. Girls who worked at record companies because they felt they couldn't be in rock music by themselves. They treated us like cartoon characters. Like we could never possibly love each other because he was famous and I was a nobody. Everyone was saying that I was only with him for his money, of course, that's what people said about Courtney too.
"We know. We're just worried about him. He hasn't played live in a few months." One of the boys said.
"He's okay. There's a show this weekend. If you can come back here in an hour once I'm back I can talk to him about the details." I said nicely. It seemed like they had good intentions.
"We'll be here." One of the guys said.

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