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Kathleen's skinny arms pulled bean and I close to her with a hug. She invited me into a small living room. Another girl was sitting on the couch.
"This is my roommate, Ivy." Kathleen gestured to her. Kathleen picked Frances up and held her. I sat on her couch and got comfortable.
"Shit I have to go pick up Melissa." Ivy said.
"See you later." Kathleen smiled at her. Kathleen and Frances made their way over to sit by me. It was about an hour and a half after I had talked to Kurt last, as Kathleen lived in Olympia at the time. The phone rang as Kathleen's roommate shut the front door. Kathleen handed the baby to me and Bean giggled. She got up and walked past me to the corner of the room where the phone was.

"Hello?" She said. She waited a moment.
"It's for you." She said looking at me. I got up and held bean and managed to hold the phone to my ear with my shoulder. Bean grabbed at the phone cord and laughed.
"Hey." I heard Krist say.
"Is he alright?" I asked him.
"He's okay, he's crying hysterically. And he puked, he needs you." He said.
"Krist every time I try to help him he screams at me. I can not take being yelled at." I said. Krist sighed.
"I think he's calmed down." Krist tried to convince me.
"Fine. I'll be there in an hour." I sighed. I hung up the phone.

I sat beside Kathleen again, she pulled me into her arms. Tears ran down my cheeks.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"I'm just done. I've tried to get Kurt clean before and he lied, he cheated on me in Paris, I just feel terrible about it all." I said as I sobbed into her chest.
"Why haven't you left him? He cheated, that's so unlike him, that's terrible." She sighed.
"I'm not going to leave him until he's better. I refuse to leave him at his lowest point no matter what he did to me. He means a lot to me and I'm not letting him destroy himself." I explained as I wiped the mascara off my face the best I could with a tissue. She kissed my forehead and then Bean's.

"Be safe." She said. I nodded.
"You should come visit more often." I smiled. She nodded happily.
"I'd love to be officially Aunt Kathleen, I'll come over soon." She smiled as she rubbed Bean's head with a finger. She walked us out to my car and I buckled Frances into her car seat. I shut the car door and hugged her yet again, she stood barefoot on the sidewalk as I drove away.

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