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Monday morning, got to settle down. I messed with the radio on my way to the grocery store. Kurt never seemed to adopt the life of a rockstar. In fact, I think he despised it. He was worth at least 80 million but he only owned 3 pairs of pants. I had learned more about his band from Kathleen and others. I had never seen them play live. After I had gotten milk and baby formula I paid for it and got back to the car. I debated on going to a record store. I decided against it. As I drove home I thought about Kurt. For every pissy, self appointed rock n roll judge there are a million teenagers who follow everything they say. He was one of those people. I didn't know if I minded or not. I pulled up to the gate and the kids were still there, I rolled down the window.
"You know, why don't you guys come inside?" I said nicely. Their eyes lit up. I opened the gate and drove through it. Once they were all inside I shut it. I drove under the green house into the garage and shut the door. They walked towards the house, as did I.

We were secluded. That's how Kurt preferred it. We were separated from the street by a 6 foot wall and a 3 foot spiked fence on top of that. We lived about an eighth of a mile from the outside gate. The house was ominous compared to the million dollar houses that scattered the park. It was turn of the century borderline mansion. We didn't treat it as much. We treated it the same way we treated my junk apartment on the south side. With complete disrespect. Kurt and i drew on the walls with paint and there were holes in them to match. The carpet in most rooms was disgusting, and the house itself sort of smelled like stale corn chips. I invited the four teenage boys into my home and shut the door behind me.
"Kurty." I said as I walked up the stairs of the split level to the living room.
"What?" He asked. He saw the kids.
"Who is that?" He asked. He held his daughter. I dropped my grocery bags.
"What are your names?" I asked.
"Ruby I swear to god." He said.
"What?" I asked.
"You always bring weird strangers home." He said. I stopped feeling so confident in what I was doing. I visibly became sadder. One of the boys put his hand on my shoulder.
"They're fans of yours. I wanted you to tell them when the show is this weekend.
"It's this Friday night at the hub east ballroom. Doors open at 8:30." He said. The kids nodded.
"We will be there." They said.
"It's 6$ for people who aren't students and 4$ for students." He said.
"Can we get hugs?" The guys asked. Kurt got up and handed me the baby. He gave each boy a hug.
"I'll show them out." Kurt said to me.
I sat on the couch and held bean. She made a big deal that her dad was gone and started crying.
"Bean why are you so pissy." I said as I hugged her. She laid her head on my shoulder and calmed down. Kurt came back ten minutes later.
"Put the baby upstairs." He ordered. I followed what he said. I put the baby upstairs in her crib with some toys and turned the baby monitor on. I guess I had forgotten that I did. I looked at bean.
"You know your dad seems really mad at me." I started. She was just happy I was there.
"If there's yelling don't worry." I smiled at her. I gently rubbed her back.
"I love you bean." I smiled. I shut the door behind me. Kurt sat on the couch.
"Come here." He said. He looked angry, or more pained. I couldn't tell. I sat on the couch beside him and he hugged me close to him. I was surprised at his reaction.
"Oh my god I'm turning out like my dad." He said.
"Why do you say that?" I asked.
"I was going to yell at you until I heard you talk to bean on the baby monitor." He started.
"I was going to yell at you for such a silly thing. You were helping some of my fans out and I got so angry at you." He said sadly.
"They are worried about you," I said quietly.
"One of the kids said you hadn't played live in a few months and they were scared that you had quit." I said. He looked down sadly. I kissed his cheek.
"You're okay though." I said.

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