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He awoke three hours later. I had been drawing alone on the floor of the living room watching MTV. He came in and looked down at what I was drawing, and then he looked over at the TV.

"If you band is so famous that you have annoying fans, how have I never heard of you?" I ask.
"You probably have, just never noticed." He smiled. I kept drawing as he was in the kitchen. He came in with a bowl of macaroni.
"There's some in the kitchen if you want any." He said. He changed the channel.
"Should we start packing for LA?" I asked.
"Yeah I suppose so." He said. All of his stuff was piled in the corner where he originally sat his duffle bags.
"I'm going to go buy boxes, alright?" I said.
"Okay." He nodded. I opened the door.
"Wait!" He said as he dug in the pocket of his jeans. He gave me his wallet and his car keys.
"Have fun." He said with a smile. I nodded. I walked down the stairs of my apartment building and out to his car. I sat there for a few minutes. His sweater was in the back seat and I nosily dug through his wallet. Just cash and credit cards and his drivers license. I heard a knock at the passenger window and my heart started racing. I looked up and it was Kurt. I hit unlock.
"I wanna come too." He said opening the door and sitting down.
"You are not 5'10." I laughed.
"I am!"he said defensively.
"I slouch!" He added looking angry. I turned on the radio and the Ramones' Havana Affair was playing. We were on our way to the box store, no I'm kidding, a home improvement store that sells boxes. (I'm high as fuck take my phone away this is hysterical) Kurt was still angry with me for somewhat making fun of his height, I didn't even try to talk to him.

I pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car, expecting Kurt to follow. I opened the door again and he was silently looking straight forward.
"Ok then." I laughed nervously as I shut the door and went inside. I found where the boxes were and got got a bunch. I checked out and headed back to the car. He was sitting silently in the seat still, hunched over and shaking. I put the boxes in the back and got in the drivers seat. His head was in his hands and he was presumably crying. I ignored him fully and drove home. He was crying the whole way. I grabbed the boxes from the back seat and waited for him to get out. He didn't, I went inside and left the boxes. I went back outside to get Kurt. I sat in the drivers seat for a minute. He was sobbing into his sleeves. I gently put my hand on his back and he brushed me away. 

"Kurty can you atleast come inside where it's warm? I'll leave you alone then." I whispered.  He opened the car door and then went inside as I followed. Once we were both inside I went into the kitchen and left him alone. I heard him calm down and turn the tv on. I had a glass of tea and I sat in the floor thinking.

Kurt came in and looked at me for w few seconds. He sat across from me.
"I'm sorry for that." He said quietly.
"Don't be." I said in the same tone.
"I'm just really stressed out about leaving Olympia behind. It's where my mom and my baby are, I just don't know how much I want to move away." He sighed.
"I know Kurty. We'll be okay."

Drama Queen (Kurt Cobain)Where stories live. Discover now