jacob sartorius

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I'm so fucking done with these fucktards you call humanity.

jacob sartorius is THIRTEEN FUCKING YEARS OLD. and you commenting on his "sweatshirt" videos like the audio and lyric video and telling him to drink bleach or some type of disturbing sick joke comment is so fucking close-minded and absolutely rude.

I don't give a fuck how much you hate him or how "cringey" his song is, telling him to kill himself or how hitler didn't do his job or how he killed the jews with this song is so fucking wrong in so many fucking ways like what kind of person are you to say such disgusting words to a child????

I'm so sick of my generation bullying him and saying how annoying or how he's a fag or how stupid he is, HAVE YOU EVER MET HIM? NO??? THEN WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO TO YOU???

the entire comment section for the lyric video for "sweatshirt" is such a fucking joke and it's not funny even in the slightest. I hope you're all aware he's a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD who hasn't done much except make musicals and vines, and from what I've seen, he hasn't done anything that could make so many people hate his guts except how he got famous off of musical.ly, which is apparently a joke itself???

the majority of the people who hate him are older than him and I think it's pathetic to hate on a thirteen year old (especially who's fucking younger than you) for no fucking reason whatsoever other than he's "annoying".

apparently it's a fucking sin to like jacob sartorius or not have a problem with him. unlike everyone else, I actually don't have a problem with him and I don't hate his song. I'm not saying it's a good song, but I'm going to comment some idiotic bullshit like oH MY GOD DRINK BLEACH HILTER SHOULDVE KILLED YOU or THIS BOY NEEDS TO GO TO A CONCENTRATION CAMP HES SO GROSS!!1!1!

and I'm certainly not going to jump on the fucking bandwagon and say how much I fucking hate jacob sartorius because frankly I don't and it's pathetic to hate him because everyone else does.

it's fucking sick to joke about the holocaust, or telling a boy who doesn't cause harm (except to your fucking ears, gET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF) to kill himself.

not one of my friends agrees with me, they all seem to hate his ass but for what? he's so-called annoying? he makes musical.lys? his song is terrible? he got famous for no reason?

please, shut your fucking mouth and get off your horse that's as tall as fucking mount everest.

I've noticed that people only hate popular things because they're popular. I bet you ten million dollars if jacob sartorius wasn't well known or anything, he wouldn't be as much hated as he is now.

not to mention, why do people who like musical.ly or get popular out of it are ashamed or seen as stupid people??? how are musical.ly people different from any people who get famous off other social media sites????

victoria, all they do is lip-sync, where is their talent???????

people get well-known or popular off instagram, twitter, and all these other social medias that require no fucking talent. but you don't see anyone dissing them or calling them morons, do you?

jacob sartorius is just as human as you fucking are. why are you treating him like he's complete dog shit then? how would you like it if someone told you to drink bleach or that's hitler should've killed you or how you should get a rope and hang yourself?

what if you went on the news and figured out jacob sartorius actually did take his own life? I also bet you another ten million dollars that the majority of the people who hate him now wouldn't anymore and would feel sorry.

it's fucking ridiculous, and it pisses me off how people think they can say such horrible words to a child who's only doing what he loves. it's disgusting.

don't bother commenting poor excuses as to why you hate him or how he's proven to be a bad person. no matter what you try, I'm not buying it. people get so offended so fucking easily.

if he or any other celebrity child has said something that's politically incorrect, why the fuck are you making a big deal about it? THEYRE CHILDREN, NOT FORTY YEAR OLD MEN. they're going to say some shit that some people will find wrong, oh fucking whoop, let's all take shit about maddie ziegler or jacob sartorius or any other celebrity child because they said something that's just so wrong!1!!1!1!1!

they're kids, they're going to make mistakes and some things they might not even know is considered "wrong". don't act like you've never said anything politically incorrect before or when you were thirteen, smart alec.

all society likes to do is take the current biggest thing or teen or whatever and beat the living hell out of them until they can't take anymore and they give up miserably.

you fucking sickos who hate jacob sartorius for no reason but that he's "annoying" and bully him nonstop and criticize every little thing he does, I hope you grow the fuck up and realize how fucking immature you sound and are.

oh, and I'll see you in hell, too.

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