jill vertes

117 14 14

do u ever want to stab jill in the face multiple times bc same

honestly she is like 98.7% why I stopped watching the show like pls can u and ur daughter shut the fuck up for the sake of everyones' fucking sanity k thanks

this pains me bc like just two seasons ago she was my favorite mom and now I just sit here like wtf what happened to you???????

1: kendall is going nowhere tbh

2: are u blind

3: brynn is way better than kendall like are u kidding that's like comparing hitler to like fucking santa claus wyd

4: did u lose the ability to parent

5: since when was it ok to scream at a child's face and basically shit on them every second of the fucking day

6: where is ur chill

7: instead of shit-talking on children why don't u actually pick up ur own child and help her improve???? telling her she's way better than everyone else doesn't fucking help her get better w/ technique k

8: get ur shit together

9: stop being a fucking asshole bc I swear 99.9% of the people who watch the show want u dead

10: if u don't stop basically bullying children you're going to be known for the rest of ur life as the fucking middle-aged woman who harassed thirteen year olds on a fucking dancing reality television show

11: ur name reminds me of the leftovers in the back of the fridge that went bad sixteen fucking weeks ago

12: u look like shit all the time k stop caking that shit u call makeup on ur face when it's just making u look like fucking shrek trying on makeup jfc

13: in fact leave ashlee alone too bc I'm pretty sure it's always u starting shit so don't even try with the dumbass excuse of "oh she starts it so"

14: fight me

pretty much petition to end jill vertes sign here

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