the dm awards prt.2

186 23 12

(probs what I'd wear if the dm awards were an actual awards thing ^)

is anyone else just excited for the people of the dm awards to announce the winners?? what if it was like a real awards thing where we had to dress up and get to the place where it was held and have a red carpet? and have presenters, and if we won we'd have to go up and accept the award? that'd be so cool omg

I can just picture myself going on stage and actually bawling my eyes out because I won something lol.

if I were on the red carpet I'd be so nervous because I don't usually get photographed besides taking selfies and and I'm always looking at the downsides of pictures of me, which is why I avoid any pictures that are of me. they never turn out right, like in all the years I've been in school, I've only liked my first and third grade picture. (the spring pictures were a major no not one picture did I like)

I think it'd be so cool to meet you all! just saying hi and meeting everyone from all over the world just sounds really fun. I wonder what we'd all wear if we went?

okay I'm getting sidetracked and thinking about this too much but anyway, I'd like to say another congrats to everyone who's been nominated! and same thing for all the winners, even if I didn't win anything, it'd still be an honor to be nominated against so many amazing writers and stories!

if I do win anything (I haven't checked the votes in a while so idk who's winning) I will write my "acceptance" speech. you should all do as well, that'd be a nice touch to a nice day haha.

so yeah, good luck to everyone again!

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