chapter 22

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The rest of the summer went by faster than anyone ever thought it would. Before everyone knew it, the buses were coming to take everybody home.

"Okay, Darla, time to go home." Mo told the little girl.

"Aww...." Darla groaned that she had to leave camp now. "But I don't wanna go home, I wanna stay here!"

"But, Darla, what about your parents?" Mo asked. "And Jessica and Maisy?"

"Well, I guess I could go back for them..." Darla shrugged.

"Besides, we gotta get back to school." Amber also reminded her as she added in.

"Oh, right." Darla said.

Amber giggled, then hugged her best friend. "I'm glad you had fun."

"Me too." Darla hugged her back.

"And home we go." Patch said.

"Come along then." Colette said.

"Finally..." Cherry sounded relieved.

"It sure has been a long summer." Drell said.

"Eight weeks can seem like a long time." Mo agreed.

Trudy and Luke came to Darla and hugged her.

"Oh, bye, guys, I'll miss you too." Darla smiled to her new friends.

"We'll miss you too." Luke and Trudy said.

"You guys have my address." Darla nodded.

"We'll mail you." Luke promised.

"And Email." Trudy added with a firm nod.

"Great." Darla smiled.

"Come on, Darla, our bus is leaving!" Amber called.

Darla hugged Luke and Trudy one last time, then ran off to catch up with Amber to go back home.

"This sure is going to be one summer we won't forget." Amber said.

"Next to Gravity Falls." Patch said.

"Don't get me started on that." Cherry replied.

"Yeah, that is one summer that will never be topped." Atticus said.

"Thanks for letting me come along." Colette nuzzled against Patch.

"I couldn't leave my girlfriend out of this." Patch nuzzled back.

"I think those two have become closer," Colette said as she looked to see Atticus and Mo holding hands and she knew humans did that when they liked each other. "She has that look Darling gets whenever Jim Dear comes home early."

"That's called love." Patch smiled.

"So this is love~..." Colette sang with a giggle.

"You have such a lovely singing voice." Patch smiled.

Colette smiled sheepishly. "Oh, thank you."

Patch smiled back as he nuzzled up to her. Colette nuzzled back. Cherry, Mo, Atticus, Patch, and Colette got into the Mystery Machine as they were now on their way home as the campers were now in the bus. Once everyone was inside their vehicles, they took off back home while Goku and Drell went back home by the strong warlock teleporting Goku back where he came from and Drell to teleport back to the Spellman house, hoping Hilda was now calm.

"You okay, Zelly?" Hilda asked her sister.

"I think so..." Zelda said. "Let's have some ice cream for dinner."

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