chapter 15

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Cherry yawned and stretched and woke up in a tree. "Huh? How'd I get here?!"

"Hello..." Sombra's voice greeted her.

Cherry narrowed her eyes. "Dude, this isn't cool, I'm afraid of heights."

'Thought that this might help.' Sombra's voice said.

Cherry was clinging onto the branch now. "Get me out of here!"

'Okay, okay.' Sombra's voice groaned before getting her down from the tree.

"Phew..." Cherry wiped her forehead as she was back on the ground. "Man, that was a sight for sore eyes."

'Be sure to be ready to blow up the dam.' Sombra's voice said.

"Um... Right..." Cherry rubbed her arm.

'Unless you want me to let Atticus do it?' Sombra's voice asked.

"No!" Cherry's eyes widened.

'Then be ready to blow up the dam.' Sombra's voice said.

"Yes, sir..." Cherry said. "Erm... What exactly do I get out of this?"

'If Drell gets to be in the camp, you'll most likely drown him.' Sombra's voice smirked.

"That's true..." Cherry shrugged.

'Then be ready to blow up the dam.' Sombra's voice said.

"Yes, sir." Cherry nodded.

'Good.' Sombra's voice said.

Cherry nodded as his voice faded and she looked to the Camp Big Moose dam as she was trying to think of how to blow up the dam to drown Drell alive.

"You know, guys, I'm glad the Woodsman doesn't have any dynamite." Deacon said.

Cherry overheard that and looked over, curiously.

"Because then it would cause all of the water in Big Moose Lake to flow down through Camp Little Moose." Deacon concluded.

Cherry rubbed her face as she had a sinister smirk.

"Like, yeah, it's good thing he doesn't have any explosives." Shaggy said.

"Ruh-huh." Scooby agreed.

Cherry started to concentrate on bringing her own TNT.

"Uh, guys, how about you go without me, I'll be with Cherry." Deacon said.

"Like, are ya sure, Deacon?" Shaggy asked.

"Yeah." Deacon nodded before inhaling his inhaler.

Shaggy and Scooby looked to each other, but they walked off together, allowing Deacon to be alone with Cherry.

"Now, how am I gonna get a hold of some dynamite?" Cherry asked herself.

"We got that part covered." Deacon whispered, sounding more like a grown man.

"Hmm, what...?" Cherry glanced to him suspiciously.

"You heard me." Deacon whispered.

"Deacon, you sound so direct..." Cherry was surprised.

"That's because my name ain't really Deacon." Deacon whispered.

"Huh...?" Cherry's eyes widened.

Deacon soon removed his hat and wig and whispered his real name into her ear.

Cherry's eyes widened. "Babyface Boretti?!"

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