Chapter 25

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Phil's POV

When we finally made it to Mike Tyson's drive way.

I immediately rung the doorbell.

"You're late the guy with the suit said."

"Whatever, man. we had to push the last mile." I said.

"Come on in. Mike said, he has something he wants to show you." The guy said letting us in.

"Oh that tiger's out of control, you should really put it down." I said getting.

When we arrived to the living room I saw Mike Tyson sitting down on his couch with his dog.

"Where's Krissy?" I ask.

"Phil!" Krissy said popping her head out from the couch.

"Krissy." I said and immediately made my way to her.

I grab Krissy and hug her lifting her up a bit.

"Thank God, your fine." I said hugging her.

Suddenly Krissy pulls away and slaps me!

"Ow! What the hell was that?"

"You're late." Krissy said and kisses me.

And me missing no chances kiss back.

I felt Krissy's legs wrap around my waist and her hands on my face.

When we pull away Krissy's eyes go wide.

"Phil what happened to your neck?!" Krissy asks examining the wound.

"The tiger clawed me, it's no big deal." I said.

"Yes it is!" Krissy said jumping down.

"Mike can I borrow some of your alcohol and a towel?" Krissy asks.

"Sure, Leonard, could you get the Alcohol and a towel." Mike said and the guy walks off.

"Seriously how did this happen?" Krissy asks turning to me worriedly.

"Well we were driving here when all of the sudden the tiger wakes up and we panic, and due to that the tiger clawed me." I said pointing to the claw marks.

"Here you go." The guy named Leonard said handing Krissy the bottle of Alcohol and a towel.

"Thanks grumpy." Krissy said grinning.

Krissy damps the towel with the alcohol and turns to me.

"This might sting a little so bear with me." Krissy said.

Oh shit.

Krissy then tapped the scratch.

"Fuck!" I shout and grab Krissy's shirt.

"Shh. it's almost over, don't worry." Krissy said stroking my head.

Then I heard something very annoying.

"He's a lucky bastard." Mike Tyson said.

"Why's that?" Stu asks.

"If I got a nurse like that, then I don't mind getting mauled by my tiger." Mike Tyson said and everyone laughs silently.

'Bastards.' I said inside my head clenching my fist.

"Does it hurt? Phil?" Krissy asks stopping completely oblivious to what the guys said.

"No, I'm good." I said and Krissy continues.

After a few minutes she was finally done.

"Alright that should do it." Krissy said puttingthe alcohol and towel away.

One Night To Forget ( ×The Hangover× Phil Wenneck x Oc )Where stories live. Discover now