Chapter 21

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Kristen's POV

While we were driving, we kept searching the car for clues.

"Anything?" Phil asks.

"Hmm I got a Cigar." Stu said.

"Oh I found, uh...These are black shoes." Alan said taking out a black boot.

"They women's shoes?" Phil asks.

"I don't know." Alan said.

"Let me see." I said taking the boot.

"Whose are those?" Stu asks.

"I don't know. It's a men size 6." I said.

"That's weird." Phil said.

"What is this a snakeskin?" Alan said pulling out a used condom.

"Ew! Alan!" I said moving away from him.

"Oh come on!" Stu said and Alan drops the condom on Stu.


"That's a used condom, Alan." Phil said.

"Oh, God. Blech!" Stu said throwing the condom back to Alan.

"Get it out of the car." Phil said.

"Gross. It's wet." Stu said wiping himself.

Alan being his kid self laughs and throws the condom to Phil.

"Oh come on! I got jizz on me. guys!" Phil said.

Phil opens a window and struggles to get it out and drive.

While we on the other hand found it a bit enjoyable and laugh at him.

"Get it out." Stu said.

"Fuck!" Phil said finally throwing it out.

Phil suddenly pulls over to the sand and stopping the car.

"Alright. What the fuck man? We gotta get this shit together guys!" Phil said ranting a bit.

*Thumping on Metal*

"Hey guys did you hear that?" I ask.

"What was that?" Alan asks.

"It was in the trunk." Stu said.


"Doug's in the trunk!" Stu said.

"Oh. Fuck!" Phil swears and we all get out.

"Open it! Open it! Open it!" Stu said as Phil takes out the keys.

"Okay. Okay. Okay." Phil said and opens the trunk.

But when it did open, it wasn't Doug who was in there.

A small Chinese guy jumps out of the trunk with a crowbar in hand and starts hitting Phil with it.

Once Phil got the Chinese guy off him, he turns to Stu and starts hitting him with it.

"Ugh." Stu groans and falls to the ground.

The guy then turns back to Phil and hits him straight in the face with the crowbar.

"Phil!" I scream at him.

I was about to go to him when the Chinese man blocks me and Alan.

"Whoa. I'm with you, I'm with you!" Alan said putting his hand up.

"You gonna fuck on me?" The Chinese guy said twirling his crowbar around.

"Nobody's gonna fuck on you asshole!" I shout at him suddenly the Chinese guy swings his crowbar at me but I kept dodging

That is until Alan pushes me making me his shield and letting the crowbar hit my shoulder.

"Agh!" I groan and hold my shoulder but he wasn't done yet.

He swings his crowbar again hits my stomach and back making me fall to the ground in pain.

Why are people targeting my stomach today...?

"Damn you Alan..."

"We're on your side. I hate Godzilla! I hate him too. I hate him! He destroys cities! Please!"

"Uh Alan this guy's Chinese, Godzilla was with the Japanese." I said but he ignores me.

"This is not your fault. We'll get you some pants and--" Alan said but was cut off when the Chinese guy threw the crowbar at him hitting his face and running off.

"Krissy, Baby, are you okay?" Phil said crawling to me.

"Yeah I'm fine just in pain." I said holding my stomach.

"What the fuck was that?" Phil asks.

I slowly crawl over to the car with Phil and lean against it.

"I have internal bleeding. somebody call 911." Stu said crawling to the car.

"That was some fucked up shit. Who was that guy? He was so mean!" Phil said.

"Phil your mouth is bleeding." I said dusting my hand off and wiping the blood off his lips.

"Guys. There's something I need to tell you." Alan said.

"What is it?" I ask still tending to Phil a bit.

"Last night on the roof, before we went out. I slipped something in our Jágérmeister."


"Wait Alan what do you mean?" I ask turning to him.

"I'm sorry, I fudged up, guys." Alan said.

"You drugged us?" Stu asks.

Wait you mean to say I had a major headache earlier,

I made love to Phil and not remembering it,

I married the man I loved since High school and didn't remember it,

I got a huge gash on my arm protecting a baby I don't even know whose,

I got arrested,

I got punched, tazed and fainted,

And I got beaten up with a crowbar by a Chinese man.

All because of Alan.








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