Chapter 23

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Kristen's POV

"Mike Tyson?" Phil said.

"Shh. This is my favorite part right now." Mike Tyson said doing a drumming action and singing The Air Tonight.

"Need a chorus line guys." Mike Tyson said and we hesitantly sang the chorus.

But suddenly--


"Oh my God!" I said as Mike Tyson punched Alan knocking him out cold.

"Oh Fuck." Phil said going to Alan.

"Why did you do that?!" Phil asks.

"Mr. Tyson would like to know why is his tiger in your bathroom." The guy in the black suit said turning off the music.

"Hold on, that was completely unnecessary." I said coming up to them.

"Look I'm a huge fan, When you knocked out Holmes, that was--" Phil said but was cut off.


"Alright look, we were drugged last night. We have no memory of what happened." Phil said.

"It's true." Stu said.

"We got in all kinds of trouble last night and now we can't find our friend. If you wanna kill us, go ahead because I don't care anymore."

"Stu! What the fuck?" I said looking at him.

"What are you talking about?" Phil asks.

"I don't care."

"Why the fuck would you steal his tiger?" The guy in the suit asks.

"We tend to do dumb shit when we're fucked up." I said.

"I don't believe these guys, man." Mike Tyson said.

"Wait, how did you guys find us?" Phil said.

"One of you dropped your jacket, found it in the tiger's cage this morning." The guy in the suit said revealing Doug's jacket.

"That's Doug's." I said.

"Yeah, Doug. His wallet and his room key is in there." The guy said throwing the jacket to us.

"No, that's our missing friend." Phil said.

"I don't give a fuck." The guy said.

"Did you guys see him?" Stu asks.

"I was fast asleep."

"Because of he was up, this wouldn't have gone down so smoothly."

"Maybe one of the tigers ate his ass like Omar."

"Respect." The guy said taking his hat off.

"Wha..what happened to Omar?" Phil asks.

"Oh don't worry about Omar, he's not with us no more." Mike Tyson said.

"Okay, I know this is asking a lot but do you think we could go to your house and look around, see if there's any clues?" Phil asks.

"Of course how else are we gonna get the tiger back. But before that to make sure you do bring the tiger, we'll be taking her as a deposit." The guy said and pointed at me.


"Yep, let's go lady." The guy said and grabbed my wrist.

"Hey!" Phil said and was about to get me but Stu stops him.

"Phil, calm down."

"Phil!" I said getting his attention.

"Don't take too long." I said and smiled at him.

"Let's go." The guy said bringing me and Tyson out of the room.

Phil's POV

"Damn it!" I curse and knock over a vase.

"Phil calm down."

"How am I supposed to calm down?! They have Krissy! How the fuck is that alright?!"

"Phil we can get her back, all we have to do is just bring the tiger back to Mike Tyson and then they return her." Stu said.

"Yeah." I said running my fingers through my hair.


"Alan!" I said running to him with Stu.

"Bud are you okay?" I ask.

"Oh my God."


" Fuck, where'd he get him?" Stu asks.

"Hey." I said snapping my fingers at Alan and he slowly comes to.

After explaining everything to Alan slowly.

We order room service and they bring in the steak.

"This doesn't seem fair." Stu said as Alan placed roofies in the steak.

"It's Rock, Paper, Scissors. There's nothing fair." I said.

"Alan, should do it." Stu said.

"Alan took a punch from Mike Tyson. Come on for Doug." I said.

Apparently me and Stu decided who gives the steak to the tiger with rock, paper, scissors.

And Stu lost so that's why he's being a baby now.

"Come on, for Doug and Kris." I said.

"Why are you peppering the steak? You don't know if tigers like pepper." Stu said.

"Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon." Alan said.

"Phil just do it. You should do it." Stu said.

"I would, but you lost. It wouldn't be right." I said.

"But if Kris were here and she lost you would do it." Stu said.

"Of course I would do it, because she's my wife. But you not."

"Can I be your wife?" Stu said smiling.

"No." I said immediately turning him down.

"That's just gay man." I said shaking my head.

"Okay. I jammed five roofies in there. Just go in there and throw it in to him." Alan said handing Stu the steak.

"Fine." Stu said getting up and going in to the bathroom.

Salute to you my friend. Salute to you.

One Night To Forget ( ×The Hangover× Phil Wenneck x Oc )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora