Chapter 19

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Kristen's POV

When we go to the room, it turned out to be filled with the kids from earlier.

I look around and saw the kid who's Phone I smashed and I noticed she was winking and smiling.

'That kid's gonna grow up a slut.'

"Okay, kids. You're in for a real treat today. These gentlemen have kindly volunteered to demonstrate how a stun gun is used to subdue a suspect."

"Wait a sec. what?" Phil said looking at the cop like he's crazy.

"Told ya there was a catch." I whisper to Phil.

"Now here's two ways to use a stun gun. Up close and personal." The cop said and shocked Stu!

"AAH!" Stu screams and falls to the ground.

*Kids Laughing*

How the fuck is this funny?!

"What the fuck?" Phil said.

"Or you can shoot it from a distance."

"Now Do I have any volunteers? You wanna come up here and do some shooting? huh?" The cop said and almost all the kids raised their hands up.

"Alright how about you, young lady? Come on up here. Alright." The cop said and a girl in a red or maroon jacket said standing up.

"Let's go, Handsome, come on." The cop said but Alan was the one stepping up.

"Not you Fatty, slide it on back." The cop said and Alan goes back.

"You. Pretty Boy." The cop said pointing at Phil.

"Phil." I call out to him.

"Yeah?" Phil said.

I walk up to Phil and kiss him on the lips but back away immediately not giving him the chance to kiss back.

"No fair." Phil said smirking at me.

"It is fair, just be fine please."

"Ooohh." The kids said.

"Come on, lover boy to the front." The cop said and Phil walks to the center.

"All you gotta do is point. aim and shoot. alright?" The cop instructs and the little girl nods.

"Okay, look. You don't really wanna do this." Phil said trying to reason with the little girl.

"You can do this. Just focus." The cop encourages.

"Don't listen to this maniac. Let's think this through."

"Finish him!" The cop shouts and the little girl shoots.

And she hit Phil's most prized possession.

"Hahaha! Right in the nuts! That was beautiful." The cops said and the kids laugh.

"Well done. Give her a hand everybody."


I made my way over to Phil and place his head on my lap.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah..more or less." Phil said still having his smirk.

"Good Job. Well done. Good Job. That was great. "

"Good. Hey we got one more charge left. Anybody wanna do some shooting up here?" The cop asks and the kids raise their hands again.

"How about you big man? Come on up here." The cop said and pointed at a fat kid in a blue shirt.

"Okay, same instructions. Just point. aim and shoot." The cop said handing the kid the stun gun.

"There you go. That's the stuff." The cop said.

The kid holds the stun gun up and up until it's near Alan's face.

"I like the intensity. Eye of the tiger. Good." The cop said.

When the red dot finally reached Alan's face the cop said.

"You're holding 50,000 volts, little man. Don't be afraid to shoot."

You saying that just makes a kid feel guilty.

And when the kid shoots it's a Bull's eye.

"Ohhh In the face! In the face! Hahaha!" The cop laughs along with the others.

But Alan didn't go down easy.

"Oh he's still up. He's still up."

Alan then walks up to kid like a zombie clearly scaring all the kids.

"Don't worry kids, we've seen it before, he just needs a little extra charge." The cop said and tazered Alan.

"Some of these big boys, you gotta give them two shots." The cop said patting Alan's unconscious ass.

"Now for our final treat, we're going to see how this little baby works." The cop said and showed off a pepper spray.

"Oh shit."

"Come on up little lady." The cop said I motioning me and I was about to get up when Phil grabs my wrist.

"No don't."

"I have to. Besides is best we get this over and done with." I said getting up and pulling away from Phil's hand.

"Now then who would like to volunteer?" The cop said and before anyone could raise their hands I glare at them menacingly.

"No one? Alright then, Foltz how about you do it." The cop said and that guy made fun of came up smirking.

"Alright kids, when you use a Pepper Spray, you've gotta remember that the nozzle should always face the target. Once you get that you just aim and spray you anger." The cop said

"You ready to feel revenge beautiful?" The guy said.

"I got 3 words for you."

"And that's?" The cop asks.

"Go Fuck Yourself."

"Bitch." The guy then sprays the pepper spray on me but I was quick enjoy to duck.

I grab the Tazer from his belt and tazered him.

"HA! in your face bitc--"

Suddenly the cops who caught us punched me straight in the stomach.

"Ugh!" I groan as I fall to my knees.

"Hoo! Sorry about that kids minor struggling there."

While I was holding my stomach I look over at Phil and saw the pinky girl from earlier.

"Are you okay?" The girl asks kneeling down to Phil.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks kid." Phil said and was about to get up when the girl grabs his arm and helps him.

"Let me help you there handsome." The girl said winking at Phil.

"Uh it's okay I'm good kid." Phil said taking his arm away.

"Since I helped you, could you help me by giving your number?"

"Uh no sorry and no offense kid but you're a little too young for me."

"Oh no I'm not, I understand everything, now how about you leave these losers and go for someone like me?" The girl said and licked her lips.

Okay first of all gross.

And second I don't care if this is fucking child abuse.

"You twerp!" I yell getting up and grabbing the kid's shirt.

"Listen kid but no offense, you're a slut." I said and tossed the kid over to the lady cop.

Suddenly I felt a large spark of electricity on my neck and everything goes black.

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