Chapter 17

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Kristen's POV

"So where to?" Stu asks.

"The hospital." Phil said placing his arm around my shoulders.

"Or how about a small clinic."

"A clinic?"

"Yeah look." Alan said pointing at Hope's High Clinic.

"Yeah that could work right?" I said and Phil sighs.

"alright." Phil said.

Stu drives to the clinic Alan said and I was immediately rushed to a doctor.

"Okay ma'am what seems to be the problem?" The nurse asks and I show her my arm.

The nurse unwraps my arms and immediately tends to my gash.

After a few minutes she was done stitching, after a few swears and kicks from me that is.

" *sigh* and done you can go now miss." The nurse said finishing the bandage.

"Thanks." I said and walk out of the room.

I head for the waiting room and saw Phil, Stu and Alan sitting down reading a magazine or something.

"Sorry it took a while, we had trouble a bit." I said getting their attention.

Phil was the first one to get up and hugs me but careful not to hit my arm.

"I'm glad that's over." Phil said giving me a peck.

"Yeah now we can continue finding Doug." Alan said.

"Yep." I said.

We get in the in cop car and drive towards Jade's address and surprisingly it wasn't a long trip.

"What room was is again?" Stu asks.

"It's 825." Phil said.

When we were near the apartment a woman on the phone suddenly comes out.

"I know. I did. I already checked with her. I found him, I'll call you back." The woman said and drops the call.

"Thank God, he's with his father. I was freaking out. I missed you, sweetie." The woman I believe is Jade said taking the baby from Alan.

"And I miss you." Jade said and kissed Stu.

"Okay.." I said feeling a little awkward.

"No." Stu said and Jade pulls away.

"What the hell happened to you guys?" Jade asks very cheerful.

"Actually we were hoping you could tell us." Phil said.

"What do you mean? I got up this morning, I went to get coffee and I came back and you were gone." Jade said and turns to me and gasps.

"*Gasp* Kristy! what happened to your arm? Did Phil here take it too far." Jade said smirking.

"You could say that." I said laughing nervously.

"Why are you being so quiet?" Jade asks Stu.

"I'm not being quiet."

"Ha.Ha. You're so cute. Yeah, I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside, you guys." Jade said and pulled Stu inside her apartment.

"Did you hear that? Baby's name is Tyler." Alan said sadly.

"Yeah. I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, bud." Phil said and patted Alan's shoulder.

Phil goes in the apartment first and I follow him in.

One Night To Forget ( ×The Hangover× Phil Wenneck x Oc )Where stories live. Discover now