Chapter 5

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Kristen's POV

After that little incident we were on the road again once more.

"It says here we should work in teams, who wants to be my spotter?" Alan says looking up from his book.

Don't tell me that idiot's reading a book on how to outsmart a card dealer.

"I don't think you should be doing any gambling tonight Alan." Doug said.

"Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? it's not gambling if you know you're gonna win, counting cards is a foolproof system." Alan said.

"It's also illegal." Stu said.

"It's not illegal, it's frowned upon like masturbating on an airplane." Alan said while Doug chuckles.

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal too." Phil said.

"Well maybe after 9/11 everyone got so sensitive." Alan said while everyone gives glances at each other.

"How about you Kristen?" Alan said looking at me.


"Would you be my spotter?"

I was about to say something when Phil beat me to it.

"She can't cause she's a horrible spotter, can't even find her own car keys."

"Excuse me?" I said offended.

"I can certainly find my own car keys thank you."

"Yeah the last time you did they were on your hand the entire time yet you still turned your own house upside down." Phil said.

"Oh come on that was 4 years ago!" I said.

"Yeah! 4 years ago, Phil." Alan said.

"Yeah but that just proved my point." Phil said.

"Whatever." I said giving up on this conversation.

"Either way you've got to be super smart to count cards buddy." Doug said speaking up.

"Oh really?"

"It's not easy."

"Well maybe we should tell that to Rain man because he practically bankrupted a casino, he was a ruh-tard."

"What?" Stu said,

"He was a ruh-tard." Alan said again.

"Retard, it's retard buddy." I said

We continued our long drive as we passed by saying Las Vegas and everything,

And eventually we arrived.

"Las Vegas huh." I said admiring the flashing lights of the buildings and streets.

"First time coming here?" Phil asks.

"Nope, I've been here for shows and stuff but it's been a while since I came back."

It's true being a singer or entertainer ain't easy,

Going on trips and singing in each and every one of them wasn't enough.

I wasn't able to come back home nor visit ever.

It was always just work, work, work, work.

I didn't even know Stu had an abusive bitch for a girlfriend!

And let me tell you, if I had gotten word of that earlier I might have killed her already.

After passing, bars, strip clubs, casino's and hotel's, we finally reached our hotel which was Caesar's Palace.

We got our stuff and the Valet took over taking the Mercedes away.

As we walked to the lobby I was walking behind everyone since they were excited and walked too fast to wait for a girl.

I saw Phil check out the two skanky looking bitches that passed by him.

And when he turned around, back to the door,

I couldn't help but stop and stick my foot out making one of the skanks trip,

But the best part was that since the skank was holding onto her friend tightly,

She fell down as well.

Since their fall was a strong one, the one I tripped had dirt on her clothes plus a bruised face from impact,

While the other one got her pants pulled down fully revealing her full moon.

"Heh skanks." I said and walked inside the hotel happily and satisified.

One Night To Forget ( ×The Hangover× Phil Wenneck x Oc )Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora