Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning...

Louis was still half asleep when he pressed the button on the intercom.

Z: Yeah...

Lo: Hey it's me.

The door fell open and Louis walked up to the front door. An equally sleepy Zayn stood at the entrance, looking quite annoyed.

Z: I hope it's important.

Inside, Louis sat down at the kitchen table while Zayn made tea. When he joined his friend, Louis looked at him sternly.

Lo: Why didn't you tell me you slept with Chloe?

--FLASHBACK-- Ten hours earlier in New York...

El: Night, Chloe.

C: Hummm...

El: Poor girl... She's wasted.

Eleanor went to one of the smaller bedrooms and closed the door behind her. She was as drunk as Chloe but wasn't feeling as tired as her friend. So she undressed and sat on the bed, contemplating about calling Louis.

El: Ah, whatever. I bet he's already up.

She checked her watch but couldn't quite figure out the time difference. She pressed the 'call' button anyway.

Lo: El, what's wrong? Why are you calling so early?

El: Nothing, hunny. Everything's fine. I just called to say I love you... hehe

Lo: Are you drunk?

El: Yes!

She sounded very proud.

Lo: Where are you?

El: At Chloe's. Did you know her and Zayn had sex?

She was shifting on the edge of the bed and eventually fell down. A loud thud was heard and she dropped her phone. Louis heard her distant voice mumbling.

El: You stupid phone, come here. Come. Come!

Louis screamed to his phone speaker, hoping Eleanor would hear him.

Lo: El, I'm gonna hang up now. Go to sleep I'll call you tomorrow.

El: No, wait. LOUIS!

Chloe shot up when she heard someone yelling. She needed a second to realize who it was and ran downstairs into El's room. She found her face down on the floor, lying next to the bed.

C: It's ok, it was just a bad dream. Did you hurt youself?

She tried to help her friend up and put her back to bed.

C: You're okay now. Try to sleep.

Eleanor was too drunk too react, let alone speak. She wanted to tell her that she called Louis.

C: Tomorrow you'll be feeling better, I promise.


Z: What?

Lo: El called me early in the morning, she was pissed drunk. I asked her where she was and she said she's with Chloe and if I knew that her and know...did it.

Z: Harry knows. What else did she say?

Lo: Nothing. She must've dropped her phone or something. I told her I'd be calling her later and hung up. I tried to call her before I came here but she's not picking up her phone.

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