Chapter 27: Dead on the Inside?

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Drew's POV:

"Are we almost there? My feet hurt! My head is sore! I feel nauseous! I can't feel my legs! Seriously are we almost there yet Mitch?" he complains from behind me as I drag him along.

"We literally just started walking." Mr Falcon replies in return. 

"But I am tired and I don't have a right arm." he grumbles stubbornly that I have to restrain myself from kicking his ass right here, right now. 

"Dean Slate shut up and keep moving." Mr Falcon orders in an authoritative tone.

I know of Mitch and Fourie's issues although I don't know what the issues are. Neither of the two are the ones to open up and although Fourie usually tells me everything that's on his mind, he's never told me what's happened to crush the relationship between father and son. 

It seemed that they had put their issues aside for the past few months, but then out of no where it all blows up in their faces yet again. They'll never truly be able to mend their relationship and friendship unless they talk about what ever it is that happened in a civilized way and not by throwing around barbaric insults. A wound can never truly heal unless the one that did the other wrong repents and the the other forgives him. That's not what I see happening between Mitch and Fourie. What I see is one mistake leading to the fall of what use to be an incredible bond between father and son only for the both of them to fall short.

I've always seen Mitch as a second father figure. He is always there to support me when I need help. He always gives me advice on certain issues. I looked to him often when I lost my parents. If I am surfing or playing a game he'd be there. Lately that's changed seeing as he's been so caught up with his real son and their issues of the past that I haven't had the time to talk to him, but that still doesn't change the way I view him. I respect him but I don't respect the way he's torturing Fourie. What ever happened, he has to let go because Fourie can't let go until he does. What he is doing is selfish.

"Ag Mitch stop being bossy. I'm in pain and I am suffering from a very rare illness. Drew please carry me!" he whines from behind me.

Block him out Drew, just block him out.

"Please Drew, carry your suffering friend."

Blocking him out.

"Drew! Drew! Drew! Drew!"

Block him out.

"Drew dammit!"

Just block him out.

"Drew?" he knocks on the side of my head with his knuckles. "Anyone in there? I don't expect there to be an answer but it's worth trying-"

"What!" I yell, not being able to control my temper anymore.

"Carry me." he pleads with a pouty face like a puppy begging for food. Idiot really thinks that will work on me? "Can't you feel my pain from just looking into my eyes?"

I scoff at his remark, "I can't  feel your pain but I definitely feel pain in general when ever I am forced to look at you. The only thing I feel at the mere sight of you is nausea."

"You two quieten down back there!" Mitch orders.

"Get a load of this guy." Slate snickers. "Who is he in any case?" Slate whispers loudly as he points to Mitch. I roll my eyes because Slate has known Mitch for a long time.

Out of all the people I could get stuck with for a potential slaughter day it has to be with Slate. I hate my life.

Well it's official...I am screwed.

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