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Matt's POV

I jumped, when I heard the noise. I was expecting it, but I still jumped, putting my hand over my face. It was the worst noise I'd ever heard in my life and I knew I would hear it for a long time, echoing in my mind.

I jumped again, the sound was just too much and I covered my mouth, stifling my sob.

I felt someone next to me and an arm go around my shoulder and I looked over at Zack, standing there, looking at me with red eye's.

I jumped again, that noise, and I wanted to scream stop, just stop, I'd had enough.

None of this was right, nothing was right about this. How the fuck was I supposed to go on?

"Matthew." My Mother said softly and I wiped my face, looking at her.

She was standing there with tears in her eye's, but it wasn't her I was looking at, it was Ivy, my daughter who I looked at.

She had her head on my Mother's shoulders, eye's closed, her thumb in her mouth, and tears on her cheeks and just looking at her hurt, it hurt so much.

That fucking noise, and I jumped again as Ivy opened her eye's, looking at me.

"Daddy." She sobbed and I held out my arm's, taking her from my mother.

I held my two year old daughter to my chest, closing my eye's and thinking, thinking about everything that had happened.

Ivy was born early because Charlotte's bloods were out, we had her early so we could get her meds right. She was never right after Ivy was born and slowly she declined. We tried everything, everything and I spent hours in the hospital with Charlotte, holding her hand, crying with her. In the end it was about the quality of her life and not the quantity, so I walked into the hospital, I packed up all of her stuff and I bought my wife home.

I wiped my face, kissing Ivy's forehead and thinking back to five nights ago. Was it really only five nights? It felt like forever to me.

The three of us were in bed and Charlotte and I were laying there, watching Ivy sleep. Charlotte's nurse had just left for the evening, so my baby was pain free for awhile.

"Look at her." She whispered to me. "We're so lucky Matt."

"We are." I murmured, pulling her closer to my chest and kissing her softly. "Very lucky."

"I'm tired." She murmured and I pulled her even closer.

"Well sleep then." I whispered.

"I will." She murmured. "I just want to watch Ivy for a little while longer."

We laid there, Charlotte in my arm's, we never said a word, we just did what she wanted, watch Ivy sleep.

"You know." Charlotte whispered after a while. "I'm so thankful, for everything Matt, for you, for Ivy, I really am so happy."

"Me too baby." I murmured, turning her face so I could kiss her softly. "Me too."

She took a deep breath and she looked at me. I stroked her cheek, she looked so tired, all of her looked so tired.

"I love you." She murmured. "So much."

I smiled at her, kissing her nose. "I love you too Charlotte, more than anything else in this world."

"I know." She murmured and I kissed her again, before she turned back over to watch Ivy sleep again.

I laid there quietly, enjoying being close to her and a little while later she squeezed my hand gently, sighing.

I closed my eye's, holding her and I didn't know how long I laid there with her, in my arm's. My Charlotte was gone and I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to let her go, ever.

And now, here I was, jumping every time I heard it, jumping every time someone threw a handful of dirt onto her coffin, onto my Charlotte's coffin.

It was a horrible sound and I wanted to stop them, I wanted to stop everybody. Charlotte was alone and I knew she would be cold and I just wanted to get her out, I wanted her with me, she belonged with me.

Finally it stopped and I looked up and around at everyone.

Charlotte was loved, by so many, all of them here, saying goodbye. I knew everyone was hurting, but none of them would know, none of them would understand my pain. She was gone and I was never going to see her again, I was never going to hold her again, I was never going to kiss her again. I would give anything to touch her again and I missed her already, so much.

"Daddy." Ivy whimpered and I pulled her closer to my chest, holding her tightly, kissing her forehead.

"It's okay baby." I whispered.

"I want Mommy." She sobbed.

I buried my face in her hair, hiding my tears. "I do too Ivy." I cried softly. "So much."

We stood there like that, my daughter and I, for who knows how long, saying goodbye to Charlotte. Charlotte the mother, Charlotte the friend, Charlotte my wife, Charlotte my love.

When I finally opened my eye's again I realised Ivy and I were alone and she was asleep.

I kissed her forehead again, looking at the mound of dirt, the mound that represented my wife.

I walked over closer, taking a deep breath.

"Charlotte." I whispered, feeling tears again. "How am I supposed to do this? How am I supposed to do this without you?" I didn't want to, I didn't want to do it without her. "I miss you baby, so much." And I did, I missed her every minute of every day.

"Matt." My Mom said softly and I wiped my face turning to look at her. "Let's go home."

I nodded, glancing once more at Charlotte before following her to the car.

I didn't want to do this, I didn't want to live, but I would, I'd do it for my daughter, I'd do it for our daughter.

I placed Ivy in the car, kissing her cheeks. She looked so much like Charlotte that just looking at her hurt me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eye's, feeling the ache deep in my heart.

I was going to miss her so much, every day, every single day.


Writing this hurt my heart and while I was writing this I was crying like a baby. Charlotte was a part of me, she was a character I made up and she was someone who I became attached to. So please forgive me for this ending, but just once I wanted to write something different. I'll never do it again, it hurt too much.

Any way thanks for reading xxx

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