10. The Name Game

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(A/N - Third and final update of for the day.  I'll be posting Chapter 11 on Sunday when I get back from my little get a way!!  Thanks for reading and for all of the comments on the story so far!  It is all very much appreciated!!!  Love to all!! )


Sunday morning I told my parents how everything went with Harry and his parents.  I also advised them of what Harry told his parents as the reason for Sunday dinner.  They agreed that the discussion should not take place until after dinner.

Greg was home around noon time and came up to my room while I was reading up on pregnancy.  I am trying to be as knowledgeable as I can.

“Doing some research, I see” he says as he looks over my shoulder and to my computer screen.

“Yeah, I guess.” I reply and he sits on my bed.  I turn my computer chair around to face him and notice he has a rectangular gift wrapped box in his hand.  I look down at the box and back up to him.

“Greg.” I say

“Niall.” He mimics my tone and I let out a laugh and join him on the bed.  He hands me the box and motions for me to open it.  I do as he asks.

Inside the box is a beautiful photo album.  Upon further inspection I find that it is a photo album specifically designed for babies.  It has sections for ultrasound pictures, sections to write in information regarding the parents and other family members.  It has sections for pictures from every month during the child’s first year.

“Greg, this is amazing.  I love it.  Thank you so much.” I say and pull him in for a hug.

“Of course, little brother.  I just want you to know that I will be here for you through this whole thing.  I love you.”

“Thanks Greg.  I love you too.”  I placed the album on my book shelf, excited to show Harry later on.

“Soooooo” Greg began.  “Did mum and dad like the other father?  What is his name?  How old is he?  How did he take the news?”

“That’s a lot of questions!” I joked but began to answer all of them.

“His name is Harry Styles.  He is seventeen and mum and dad really liked him.  Harry took the news quite well I think.  Of course he was overwhelmed by all the information at first, but he never once hesitated to say that he would be here for me.  He is a really great guy.  I’m sure you will like him.”

“Ok.  Good.  I may however have to have a little talk with him.  He better not hurt my little brother or my niece or nephew.”

“You will have no such conversation.  Harry is a terrific person and he wouldn’t hurt a fly.” I say and jokingly push his shoulder.  He laughs and lightly pushes back.

“By the way, you were gone Friday night so you didn’t hear, but the DNA testing showed that the baby is a girl” I say with a smile and watch his eyes light up.  He grabs my shoulders and hugs me tightly.

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