9) thesilentone

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We have ... thesilentone!!!!!!

Dantopaz: Why did you join wattpad?

thesilentone: I joined for two reasons. One- because I LOVE to read. Wattpad stories are great and original. Two- because I wanted a place where I could share my own work and get to know people who have the same passion as me.

Dantopaz: What story are you most proud of?

thesilentone: I have two stories here on Wattpad and I'm proud of them both but right now, I'm concentrating on the The Prince's Girl so I have to say, that's the story I'm proud of now. It's romance and teen fiction combined and it's really fun to write.

Dantopaz: If you had to choose your favourite story on wattpad, what would it be?

thesilentone: I'd say it would be The Kissing Booth by Reekles. It's great story and the characthers are well developed. I loved reading it.

Dantopaz: Oh yes. I've read that! It's good, ain't it? What would you rate wattpad out of 100?

theslientone: probably 90/100. It's got everything for everyone!

Dantopaz: What’s your favourite story off wattpad?

thesilentone: The Mortal Instruments! Who wouldn't love a Jace Wayland in their life? LOL.

Dantopaz: LOL. Who is your favourite author on all of wattpad?

thesilentone: racingheart. I love her works esp The Billion Dollar Girl. I just enjoy reading it and it has a strong plot.

Dantopaz: Oh yes, tht's really good! Who is your most faithful fan?

thesilentone: I don't really have a lot of fans yet so I can't say who my most faithful fan is yet. :)

Dantopaz: Out of your book/books, who is your favourite character? 

thesilentone: Probablu Sean. I don't know why. I just really like Sean :)

Dantopaz: What is your most embarrassing moment, that you’re willing to share?

thesilentone: Oh, just that time when I sort of stumbled in front of the class. Haha!

Dantopaz: What’s your best way to get rid of writers block?

thesilentone: Do something else. Obviously, writer's blocks occurs when we're just not in the mood to write. So, just go do something else and then write when you feel like it!! :D

Dantopaz: Are you a reader or a writer?

thesilentone: Both.

Dantopaz: Where do you find your ideas?

thesilentone: Usually, they just pop out out-of-nowhere. Then, I type it on my phone to avoid forgetting about it.

Dantopaz: How often do you upload your stories?

thesilentone: It depends on how long I can finish a chapter.

Dantopaz: That's a good answer! :) Are there any stories you are working on at the moment, that are not published? If so, would you mind telling us something about them/it?

thesilentone: None. I'm really trying to finish The Prince's Girl first before jumping off into anoter story.

Dantopaz: That's a good idea. I'm writing loads at the same time! Is there anything you would like to say in addition?

thesillentone: Thank you so much for having me and please support The Prince's Girl. Thanks!!!

And that is the end everyone!

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