The End

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Harry's POV
"I hate this event!" Mus groans, opening her hair yet again. I laugh at her nervous and frustrated state.
"Mus, everything will be fine. You look perfect." I assure her, as I wear my shoes. Mus shakes her head, slamming her palm against the dressing table.
"I'm a nervous wrack, and I look like a wicked queen. Not the queen."
"Mus, you're getting worked up for no reason." Due to that, a clip hits my head. I pout, looking up at a smirking Mus.
"Harry, don't get worked up." Mus teases, turning around to face the mirror. Women. Since Mother didn't want the throne, it got passed down to Mus and I. Today we're going to make it official. Today's the day that we name Luke as well. Mus and I have been arguing over his name for a few days. She wants to name him Edward, but I don't. Edward is such a cheesy, old name. Luke is a hip, classy name. Prince Luke; it sounds so cool.
"Mus, we've got to go. The guests, and our parents must be waiting." Mus told her parents all that had happened. However, that didn't change their sour attitude towards me. But, because they're her parents I have to deal with them anyway. Sighing, I make my way out of the room, slipping my phone into my pant pocket.
"Harry! Please take Edward's diaper bag. He'll need a change at nine." Mus says, as I hear her drop a few things.
"Shit!" Mus curses. She's over efficient when it comes to Luke. I know she'll spoil him. In fact, she already is.
"Okay, ma'am." Rolling my eyes, I enter Luke's nursery and grab the big diaper bag that's covered with lions. I don't understand Mus' fascination with lions and orange color. Everything in Luke's nursery is either covered with lions or orange in color. I feel dizzy when I come in here. Mus' wounds have definitely gotten better. However, she still can't bend or twist her abdomen or back. It hurts her a lot. I gave a statement to the media saying that my father had a heart attack and it killed him. My mother gave a short speech as well, naming me King and Mus, Queen. Surprisingly, the media and the people believed us, asking no further questions.
"Got it?!" Mus yells from across the hall.
"Yeah! Now let's go," I say. Luke's already downstairs with Mother. I exit Luke's room and jog over to Mus, who is standing next to the banister. I offer her my arm, and she takes it, smiling. I give her a quick kiss on the lips, before we start descending the stairs.
"I love you," Mus says.
"I love you too." I say, as the whole party comes into our view. Mother's eyes fall on us and she smiles fondly. Luke is in her lap, sleeping. I can't wait for the day when I can hold him in my lap and play with him, and make him laugh.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the King and Queen." A guard announces. Everyone stops what they're doing and claps for us as we descend the last step.
"Mus, we'll make our speeches and then announce Luke's name, okay?" I ask her and Mus nods her head. "You go first." Mus turns to me with wide eyes.
"No!" She whisper-shouts.
"Yeah, you have to." I say, smirking. Before Mus can protest further, I place the bag at the foot of the stairs and clap my hands together.
"Ladies and gentlemen, my lovely wife and your Queen, Mus, would like to make a speech." I turn my head to find Mus glaring daggers at me. I kiss her on the cheek and head towards Mother. I take a seat beside Mother, and she takes my hand in hers. Mus clears her throat.
"I would like to start off by welcoming all of you and by thanking you all for coming." Mus laughs nervously. "I'm not very good at making speeches." Geez, how cliche. She's stolen that from every single movie that has a speech in it. "Today we're here to celebrate Harry and my crowning, alongside the naming of our son. I don't know what type of a Queen I'll be because I've never had the experience and honestly, Harry and I are clueless as to what to do. However, as long as we have each other I know we can manage." Mus looks down and starts to play with her wedding ring. "My parents sent me here to find a gem. Something precious that would help ruin Harry's kingdom." Mus looks up and locks eyes with her parents. "However, I found something even more precious than that." What does she mean? I look at her, confused as hell. "I found Harry; an amazing husband, friend, King, and father. Things between us were rough in the starting, but what couple doesn't have their ups and down? But then we started to get to know each other, and...well I fell for him. I don't know about the gem, if it's real or not. But I know this much, Harry is a gem. He's the gem of this kingdom and I've found him. I'm not going to give him up. I assure you he'll be an amazing ruler and friend to all." Everyone claps and hoots, snapping me to attention. Hastily, I wipe my eyes and stand up. I smile at Mus, as I take my place beside her. Mus steps forward, but I grab her hand, keeping her beside me.
"I don't think I can make a better speech than Mus'," I say. Everyone laughs and Mus punches my shoulder playfully. "However, I would like to try." I clear my throat. "I would like to get to the second reason as to why we're here tonight. My son's naming ceremony." I turn my head from the people gathered in my house to Mus.
"His name is Edward!" I announce. Mus looks at me with wide eyes. I squeeze her hands, grinning like a fool. "This lovely lady next to me named him. It's a beautiful name, isn't it?" I hear a chorus of yeses.
"Harry," Mus gasps, still shocked. "Are you sure?" Her voice is barely a whisper. I nod my head.
"I hope that I make a great King. However, I'm sure that Mus will make a great Queen and a friend to all. She's much better than me in all fields." Mus giggles, and I feel happiness spread through me at the sound. "Please step out with us, into the garden, to watch the fireworks and celebrate this joyous occasion." The guests file out of the front door. Mother gets up and heads out with Edward. Mus steps forward, but I tug on her hand gently.
"I love you a lot. Never leave me." I say, staring right into Mus' eyes. If I'm not mistaken, she's on the verge of tears.
"I'll never leave you. Promise," Mus says. Her hand in mine, and her promise in my heart, Mus and I head outside. We step out just in time to see the first round of fireworks explode in the sky. Instead of staring at the fireworks, my eyes turn to Mus. Her face is glowing with a radiant smile, and her eyes are glittering due to the fireworks. Mother is standing with Edward, a few feet away. This is my family. These three people are all that I need to live a happy, and content life. I don't know how I've been blessed with such amazing people in my life, but I'm very grateful for them. I intertwine my fingers with Mus', diverting my gaze from Edward to the fireworks. Just like the fireworks, our future seems brighter than ever.
The End
A/N: Wow, we're finally done with this book. I don't know why, but I'm sad and happy. I'm happy with the ending, but sad that I have to end this book. I've had so much fun writing it thanks to each and everyone of you who reads it, votes, and comments. Heck, I'm even grateful to the ghost readers, who read the book, but never comment or vote. ;) Thank you for everything. I highly appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you!

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