Change Of Character

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"They're lovely. Thank you." Anne says, grinning from ear to ear. I'm so happy she liked them. She places the earrings on the table, and grabs hold of the bag. "I wonder what else my daughter-in-law got for me?" She winks at me as she pulls out the bag that we got her.
"I see you like the gifts." Harry says, entering the room. Smiling, he walks over to his mother and takes a seat on the arm of her couch.
"They're lovely." She says, as she places her hand in his. I love the amount of love that they share. I never had this bond with my parent's and I'm so happy that they do. Just seeing them makes me smile.
"Mus was the shopper. I just gave a nod here and there." He shrugs his shoulders.
"That's not true. He helped me out a lot."
"I didn't!" Harry's harsh tone makes me flinch. I didn't say anything that should've infuriated him.
"I'm sorry," I mumble.
"Harry, which design should I go for?" Des says, entering the room. He's holding two cards. What's the occasion? Anne looks just as confused me. She looks at me questioningly, but I just shrug my shoulders.
"Whichever you like." Harry says, taking the cards from Des.
"I think this one," Des says, pointing to a card. "The girls in the kingdom will love it." He takes the cards from Harry's hand, and takes a seat beside Anne.
"What are the cards for?" Anne asks the question that is lingering in both of our minds.
"For the ball." Des says this as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
"What ball?" I ask. He looks at me as if I committed a sin by opening my mouth.
"Harry didn't tell you." He looks at Harry and then at me. My eyes go to Harry, but he's looking at the ground. "We're throwing a ball for him. We're inviting all the girls from our kingdom, and our allies kingdoms, to find him a wife." What the hell?!
"Excuse me?" Before I know it, I'm on my feet. "Have you lost your Goddamn mind?!" I point an accusatory finger at Des.
"You will allow this?!" Des says, looking at Harry. "She's yelling at me! How can you just sit there and do nothing?"
"Father-" Harry begins, but then he stops and shakes his head. "Mus, let's go home."
"No! What does he mean?" Harry gets up and walks over to me. He grabs my hand and starts to pull me toward the door. "I want answers!" I say, yanking my hand out of Harry's grip. I'm not going to sit here and watch all of this go down.
"Let's go. Don't test my patience." Harry says. He's dangerously calm, and it's scaring me. I turn around, ignoring him.
"What--" I begin, but Harry grabs ahold of my forearm and turns me around.
"Don't test my patience. Let's go." Harry pulls me behind him. I don't want to go. I struggle in his hold, trying my best to pry his fingers off my arm.
"I need answers! I want answers!"
"To hell with you!" Harry says turning around and slapping me.
"You're hitting me for him!"
"Yes! You need to learn that you're just here for my pleasure. You're a piece of shit. I won't let a piece of shit yell at my father." I kick Harry on the shin, and run for the stairs. I'm not staying with him. To hell with my parent's revenge. I trusted him. How could he do this to me? Suddenly, someone yanks me back by my hair. My eyes meet Harry's green eyes. I don't see the man I love. I don't see the person who takes me to restaurants and has pillow fights with me. I see a monster. I see Des in Harry. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with a younger version of Des.

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