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"Mus, come on!" Harry yells, making me jump.
"Calm down! We have half an hour." I say, checking my toiletries, again. Today's the day of our flight, and to say Harry's panicking, is an under statement. He's been hopping all over the house, like an excited chipmunk. Harry even got ready super early, and now he's irritating me.
"It's better to be early than late!" I hear the front door slam shut, and then heavy footsteps ascending the stairs. "Come on!" Harry whines, entering my room.
"I just need to re-check all my stuff." I throw my bag of toiletries into my suitcase, my eyes scanning over my undergarments.
"Enough re-checking!" Harry says sternly, slamming my suitcase shut.
"What if I run short on undergarments?" I ask, trying to re-open my suitcase.
"I'm pretty sure I'll be able to buy you new ones." Harry tugs the suitcase off my bed, probably spoiling all my folded and neatly ironed clothes. "If you're not in the car in five minutes, I'm going on this honeymoon alone." I sigh, picking up my phone and purse. Harry has been really nice to me all week long. Except when we're downstairs. I've tried to ask him why he's so bipolar. But, he refuses to tell me.
"One minute, and counting!" I take one last look in the mirror, and rush downstairs. Harry's leaning against his car, typing away into his phone. When he hears the front door shut, he looks up, and gives me a warm smile.
"What?" I ask him, when his eyes don't leave mine.
"You look amazing. Everybody will be staring at you today."
"Well, you better watch out today." I say, walking past him, and opening the car door.
"What? No thank you?" Harry asks, raising his eyebrows.
"A fact is a fact, Styles." I say, smirking. "Come on, we're getting late, remember?" Harry tries his best not to smile. But, he gives up, and a wide grin spreads across his face. Once I've sat down, he shuts the car door for me, and jogs over to his side. Once Harry's settled in, he starts up the car, and places his hand on my thigh.
"Yeah," I say. This is going to be one exciting trip.

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