Day after tomorrow!

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"You might want to get off now!" Harry says, snapping me out of my thoughts. I've been sitting, with my head against the window, thinking. My mind is not allowing me to feel for Harry or tell him the truth. But, my heart, is saying I should.
"They're here!" Anne says, as we enter my house. She comes over and grabs the bags from my hand. "Let's see what you guys have got."
"Nothing special, just a dress." I say, following her. She leads us into the lounge, and takes a seat next to my mother. I sit across from them, and Harry sits next to me.
"Wow! It's gorgeous." Anne says, holding the dress up. My mother looks like she disagrees. But, she doesn't say anything. "Isn't it?" Anne looks at my mother, expectantly.
"Yeah, it's good. But, isn't it a little indecent." My mother says, eyeing the dress.
"Don't be silly. It's perfect."
"Yeah, Mus chose it herself." Harry says, looking at me and winking. I scowl at him. How does he have the balls, to put all the blame on me. First, he says he'll take the blame. Then, he throws it on me, great!
"No, not at all. Harry's the one, who forced me to buy it. He said, I'd look lovely in it." I say, putting quotation marks around lovely.
"Of course. I know Mus, would never buy something like this." My mother says, forcing a smile. Sometimes she's so conservative, it get's on my nerves.
"So, Mus' mother and I were discussing the wedding. We've decided a date, and finalized it with your father's." Anne says, smiling.
"A date? When?" Harry asks, bewildered.
"Day after tomorrow."
"Day after tomorrow? What do you mean? It's too early." I say, getting up. This is too much. They can't just give my hand in marriage, so quickly.
"Well, we want to hurry this up. I can't wait any longer, for you to come home!" Anne says, grinning from ear to ear.
"Yes, darling. Plus, the sooner the better." My mother says, giving me a stern look. I want to argue more. But, I know it's pointless. Since they've decided the date, they aren't going to change it.
"But mom-"
"Enough Harry! It's about time you took some responsibilities and acted like a man." Anne scolds Harry. He stares at her for a few moments and then leaves the room. I know how mad he must be feeling right now. I'm feeling the exact same emotions. Gosh, I won't be in my own house, two days later. I won't be single anymore. I'll be sharing a room, a house, everything with Harry.
Harry's POV
How dare they make my decisions for me! I'm an adult, I should get a say in my life's decisions. But, no! They'll never listen to me. Hell, I'm getting married to a complete stranger; for them. For their petty revenge. Sure, this seemed like a good idea before. But, the more I think about it; the more I'm regretting it. Mus is a great girl. She's funny, kind, lovable; why am I doing this to her? We'll both get hurt in the end. Her life will get ruined and so will mine. What am I doing? My phone snaps me out of my thoughts, as it rings.
"Hello!" I say, slamming my phone against my ear.
"What's wrong?" Niall asks, sounding worried.
"Nothing. Why'd you call?"
"The boys and I are going clubbing tonight. You can join us, if you want. Same place, same time."
"I'll meet you guys there."
"By the way, I know something's wrong. You might not tell me, but you'll definitely tell Lou. Bye." He says, disconnecting the call. Great! Now I have to explain myself tonight. I pull my keys out of my pocket and leave Mus' home. Honestly, I don't want to see her, or her home. I don't want to see my parents, or her's. It's all their fault! I'm getting married two days later!
"Corona, please." I tell the bartender, as I sit on a bar stool.
"Coming up!" He says, walking away.
"Hey!" Louis yells, slapping me on the back.
"Lou, that hurts!"
"Sorry! You're grumpy today." He says, sitting next to me.
"Yeah, it's my parents and my wife to be."
"What happened?" Niall asks, sitting on a stool. Liam and Zayn come up, as well and grab two stools.
"I'm getting married."
"Yeah we knew that. We knew that since you got engaged." Zayn says, looking confused.
"No, I'm getting married day after tomorrow."
"Excuse me?" Louis says, tilting his head.
"Oh please, you heard me!" I say, grabbing my beer. I slide off the stool, and try to find an empty booth. I find one in the far corner, and I go to sit down. I'm soon joined by the rest of them, and they've got their beers, as well.
"But, you can't get married so soon."
"Tell that to my parents." I say, looking at Niall.
"Mate, we haven't even thrown you a bachelor's party!" Lou yells, as loud music starts playing.
"You're only worried about my bachelor party. Yon aren't worried about me wrecking my whole future, because of that girl! You aren't worried of me never falling in love. All because of that stupid revenge."
"Of course, we are! But we can't do anything about it! But, we can throw you a party. Right now, right here." Zayn says, grinning. He's right! They can't help me get out of this. But, they can throw me a party. My last two nights of being a single man.
"You're right! Let's do this!" I yell, getting up.

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