I'll Destroy It!

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"Happy birthday!" My parents yelled, as they entered my room. They came over to my bed and hugged me; squeezing me quite hard.
"You're squeezing the life out of me." I gasped, as they moved back.
"Sorry! We're just so excited. Our little baby is eighteen!" My mother squealed, sitting down beside me. My father sat on a chair, looking very solemn. Today's a great day, I wonder why he's so serious.
"What's wrong, father? Why that sad face?" I ask him, knitting my eyebrows together.
"Mus, we've got to talk to you." My father says, playing around with his hands.
"Yeah, go on. I'm all ears." I say, sitting up.
"You know you're an adult now, right?" He asks me, and when I nod; he goes on. "You know that kingdom, where King Des rules?"
"Yeah, it's across our border."
"Well, he has a son. He turned eighteen in February. His name is Prince Harry Edward Styles. He's next in line for the throne." He says, not meeting my gaze.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what the matter is." I say, looking at my mother and father.
"We've arranged your marriage with him." My mother says.
"Pardon?" I say, not believing I heard them right.
"You remember grandfather Larry?" My father says, looking at me. I simply nod, not understanding where they're going with this. "Remember he was captured by them, long before. Well, we found a letter written by him." Saying that, my father gets up and hands me a piece of paper. I unfold the paper, and start reading it.
"Dear, Mike
I know you'll find this letter, long after I'm gone. But, whenever you do, follow it's instructions. Des Styles is hiding a gem, in his palace. A gem that you won't find anywhere. If you can get your hands on it, you'll destroy him. Crush it and make sure it's broken; absolutely shattered. Since, you're not on good terms with him. There's only one way, to enter his palace. Send my lovely granddaughter, Mus. She'll do it, I know. She's brave and strong and I fully trust her. Get her in!
Love, Larry."
As I finish reading the letter, I know why my parents arranged my marriage. They want me to destroy this gem, and ruin the Styles family forever. They want to take revenge, for what they did to my grandfather. Grandfather Larry, had been captured by Des Styles' father. Later, he had been released. But, he died soon after, due to weakness.
"Would you do this for us? For grandfather Larry?" My father asks me, looking at me, straight in the eye.
"I will! I will destroy this gem, and ruin the Styles' family forever. They'll be crushed." I say, ready to do this for my family. My mother and father look at me, through proud eyes. I'm ready to toy with Harry's emotions and destroy his family and him. I'm ready to destroy this gem!
Harry's POV
I knew something was wrong. The minute George came and said my father wants to talk to me; I knew something was wrong. As I make my way over to my father's office, I ponder on this situation. It must be something serious. Why else would he call me, at eight in the morning. I couldn't even complete my sleep.
"Come in!" My father's voice comes, from inside the office; once I knocked. I open he door and enter his office.
"Why'd you take so long?" He asks me, gesturing for me to sit on the sofa.
"Sorry, I had to brush and change. I wasn't awake." I say, taking a seat.
"Darling, how many times have I told you to get up by eight." My mother says, as she enters the room.
"You're both here? What did I do? Just give it to me straight." I say, sitting upright.
"You've done nothing wrong. We just have to tell you something." My mother says, sitting down beside me. When I nod, she goes on. "Your father and I talked to King Mike, yesterday. Do you remember him?"
"Yeah the dude, who's father barged into our country, right?" I ask them, raising my eyebrows.
"First of all, we do not use slang." My father says, frowning. "Secondly, yes! He barged into our country, during my father's time. Well, now he has a daughter. She has just turned eighteen today." My father looks at me, to see if I'm keeping up. I nod. But, I don't understand why they're telling me all this.
"Son, listen to us now, okay?" My father says, not meeting my gaze.
"Okay." I say, confused.
"We've fixed your marriage to Princess Mus."
"Are you guys insane?" I yell, standing up. How the hell can they take these decisions for me. I have a girlfriend, for crying out loud.
"Listen to us! We don't want you to treat her right!" My father says, raising his voice, as well. Wait, what does he mean?
"What do you mean?" I ask them, baffled.
"Sit down, honey." My mom says, patting the seat. I sit down, trying to calm my nerves.
"We want you to ruin her; crush her. They think we don't remember how cruel they were to our people. The people who migrated from our lands, but we do! We remember how they burned them, tortured them. Now it's our time for revenge. Once she's in our lands, you can toy around with her feelings. Lead her on and then crush her. Do this favor for us son." My father says, looking at me with pleading eyes. They want me to play with someone's emotions. Honestly, I'm not fine with that. But I've seen what they did to our people. They burned them alive. Especially, Larry. He was a ruthless leader. Now, it's our turn to take revenge. My parents have trusted me and our looking at me, to help them. I will!
"I'll do it! I'll take our revenge, from Princess Mus." I say, as my mom hugs me and my dad smiles.
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