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Harry's POV
"What do you mean?!" I yell.
"Your Highness, please calm down. There's good news and bad news." The doctor says, hastily. Couldn't he have said that before?
"What's the good news? I want the good news." The boys look at me questioningly.
"Congratulations, you're going to be a father. Your wife is pregnant." My eyes widen, and my phone almost slips out of my hand.
"A-Are you joking?" I stutter in shock.
"No, I'm not." I don't know what to say. "Hello? Are you there?"
"Y-Yeah, I'm here. I'm sorry, I'm just shocked, and extremely happy." A grin spreads onto my face. I think I look like a fool because Louis gives me a weird expression.
"What's going on?" Liam asks me. I hold up finger, signalling for him to wait.
"Are you ready for the bad news?" The doctor asks me. Inhaling a deep breath, I nod my head. He can't see me. My mind is not working because of the news I just received.
"Yeah." I say, still grinning.
"There are a lot of complications." He sighs, and I hear some shuffling. "This pregnancy will be tough for both of you. I'm coming to the hospital right now to deliver these reports, and speak with the doctor who specializes in this field. Till then, take care of Her Highness." Saying this, he ends the call. For some reason, my hand doesn't want to move.
"Harry, what's wrong with you? You're frozen, and grinning like an idiot." Louis says, pulling me out of my trance.
"I'm going to be a father." I murmur, as I throw my phone on the couch.
"I'm going to be a father!" I yell, running towards Louis and hugging him. I pull back, and hug Liam. When I step towards Niall, he steps back, and raises his eyebrow.
"Did I hear you correctly or are my ears ringing? Niall asks me. I shake my head, still grinning.
"Your ears are perfectly fine. I'm going to be a father. I'm having a baby!" Today's the best day of my life.
"Technically, Mus is having a child. You're just going to take care of her, and support her." Niall says, stepping forward and embracing me.
"No, I'm having a baby too. We're both having a baby." I say, pouting. Liam and Louis roll their eyes.
"I don't know much about pregnant women. But, I'm pretty sure women don't faint, and get admitted into the hospital in their first few months." Liam says, frowning. "What's wrong with Mus?"
"She has complications. The doctor says it's going to be a tough pregnancy for us," I say. I wonder what problems we're going to face? I'm sure it's not that bad. It'll be fine. As long as we're together, everything will be fine. Mus groans, and turns around. I think she's awake. I move closer to the bed in order to get a better view. Her eyes flutter open, and she takes in her surroundings.
"Finally!" Louis yells, startling her. I scowl at him, and take a seat next to her bed.
"Good afternoon, Mus." I greet her, smiling.
"Why am I in a hospital? Is this a hospital?" She asks me, confused.
"Yeah, we are. I have good news." I say, grinning from ear to ear.
"I seriously need some good news."
"Harry, let her guess." Louis says, walking over to us.
"No, please just tell me." She whines like a baby. I shake my head, chuckling.
"What's small, and innocent?" I ask her. Her eyebrows knit together, and she takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
"A puppy?" She says after a while.
"No! Yes, puppies are small and innocent, but that's not the right answer." I shake my head, and she pouts.
"I give up. Please, tell me."
"I'll give you another hint. Something small, and innocent is growing inside you." Louis says, enjoying this game. Mus' eyes become the size of saucers.
"A tumor?!" She yells. "I'm going to die."
"What? No, of course not." Louis shakes his head.
"Okay, that's enough of guessing." I say, deciding to put an end to her misery. "We're going to have a baby."
"Are you serious? You can't be. We haven't even..." She trails off, realization dawning on her face.
"You haven't what?" Louis asks us, smirking.
"Shut up," I say. I search Mus' face for any kind of expression. Disappointment, happiness, excitement, but her face is expressionless.
"Are you okay?" I decide to ask her. Sighing, she closes her eyes.
"I'm ecstatic." She says, a smile spreading across her face. "How are you feeling about this? Do you want a child? Are you ready to take on the responsibility?"
"Yes, I am! I want to have this child. I'm extremely happy." Mus looks at me affectionately.
"You do know that I'm carrying this child inside me, right?" She asks me, biting her lip to suppress her laughter.
"You might be carrying this baby inside you, but we're both having this child. I have an equal amount of responsibilities."
"Yes, we do." Mus squeezes my hand. Suddenly, I remember we have families.
"Mus, when are we going to tell our parents?" I ask her.
"We can tell them right now, if you want."
"I'll call my parents, and you can call yours."
"Okay." She looks around the room, and then pouts. "Where's my phone?"
"I don't know. You can use Louis'." I say, getting up.
"Sure." Louis says, handing her his phone.
"Thanks," Mus murmurs.
"I'll be right back. Take care of her." I say, before exiting the room. I take out my phone from my pocket, and call my mother. I know she'll be happy, but I don't know how my father will react. I just hope he doesn't turn this into a big issue.
"Good afternoon, Harry." She greets me.
"Hi, mother. I have to tell you something." There's no point in beating around the bush.
"Okay." She says, in a hesitant tone.
"We're having a baby." I bite my lip, nervously waiting for her reaction.
"I'm coming to the hospital! We're going to get this child out before it grows." I hear my father's voice fill my ears. He ends the call, and I'm left stunned.

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