The knot is tied

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As my father walks me down the aisle, I take a minute to check Harry out. He looks stunning, in his suit. He's wearing an immaculate, black suit. Accompanying it, is a small bow tie. His hair is in it's usual curls. Sometimes, I wonder if he ever combs it. Even today, all he did was slide his fingers, through his hair.
"Are you ready?" My father whispers. I look at him, and then Harry. Today, is the day, I'll loose my freedom. Today, is the day, I go to live with a man, I barely know. A man, I can't tolerate. But, I have to do this for my family.
"Yes," I murmur. I'm not even sure if my father has heard me. But, he gives me a slight nod. So, I'm presuming he has. As we reach Harry, my father hands over my hand to him. He takes it in his big, warm hands and squeezes it. I look up at Harry, confused. Why would he squeeze my hand? Is he feeling nervous? Is he thinking all the things, I'm thinking. God, this is so confusing. I don't even know, what I'm doing. It feels like ages, until the priest says, "You may now kiss the bride." Harry looks at me, apprehensively. I give him a tiny nod, and a tight smile. Suddenly, his lips crash against mine. Even though I don't kiss back, his kiss seems real, again. It doesn't seem like he's acting, or doing this for the crowd. It feels like he actually cares. Why is this man so confusing? One minute were arguing, and the next, he's kissing me with feeling. Harry ends the kiss, and pulls me into his arms.
"Are you okay?" He asks me, as I move away.
"Yeah. It went well." All the guests have now crowded near us. Each of them congratulates us, and hands us a present. We thank them, and keep the present away. I know this will take a while.
"Wine, princess?" A waiter asks me, bringing a bottle of champagne. I nod my head, and raise my glass. He pours some into it, and then leaves the bottle at our table.
"There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" Harry says, making his way over to me. His loud tone has got some guests looking.
"Can you take it down a notch, please?" I ask him, smiling at the questioning faces. He looks around and shrugs. I hate his nonchalant attitude. He takes a seat next to me, and immediately steals my wine glass. "That's mine!" I protest, trying to get it back.
"I'm the one who did all the hard work. I get the wine."
"What hard work?"
"I kissed you, and then made it seem real. Plus, you're no help, because you never kiss back. I went around checking if people were comfortable, or if they needed anything else. That counts as hard work." Harry puts my glass back, and then takes a bite of my food. After a few seconds he takes another, so I just push my plate towards him. "Thanks, I'm super hungry." Harry shoves mouthful after mouthful into his mouth. He really has no manners.
"Mus! Harry! It's time to go! Come on!" Anne shouted, waving her hand frantically, to grab our attention. We both got up from the table, and walked over to the pavilion. My father, mother, Des and Anne, were standing in a line. My mother looked upset, but my father was controlling his emotions.
"It's time we leave. Say your goodbyes and then we're going." Des said, giving me a sympathetic smile. I walked over to my mother, first. I hugged her, tears brimming my eyes. But, I didn't let them flow. There's no way I'll give Harry the satisfaction of seeing me cry. He'll taunt me for the rest of my life.
"I love you." My mother whispers, choking on her words. I nod and give her a tight smile. Next I hug my father and say goodbye to him. Once I'm done, Harry places a hand on my shoulder, and guides me towards a car. He opens the door for me, and helps me get in. Anne, mother, father, and Des are standing near the curb, looking very upset.
"Shall we?" Harry asks me.
"Yeah." I say, not wanting to speak too much. If I do, I know I'll choke over my words.
"You can cry, if you want to."
"Yeah and give you the pleasure of taunting me for the rest of my life."
"W-Why would I taunt you?"
"Harry, don't play nice. I've seen your real face, and you've seen mine. There's no reason to act." I say, turning my head towards him. Suddenly, his features harden and he gives me a small nod. I turn my head, and look out of the window. From here begins my revenge.
A/N: I want to say thank you to all the people who vote, and read my book. Please keep doing so. But, I need more votes. So please, if you read my book and like it, just vote. Thanks once again, and enjoy and keep reading!

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