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My eyes widen at what Harry's father just said. I'm not going to let him abort my child. Harry and I will do anything to protect her. I wonder if it's a girl or a boy. I hope it's a boy. A boy with Harry's curls, and green eyes. Even his dimple. Heck, I want our baby to look just like him.
"Mus!" Harry snaps me out of my reverie. I look up at him, questioningly.
"Yeah, sorry." I murmur.
"He can't abort our child without our permission." Harry says sternly. I glance at his father, and he's glaring at Harry.
"He won't dare touch him." I look at Harry's father straight in his eyes. I don't care who he is. I don't care what power he holds. The bottom line is, he won't harm our little one.
"You both think you're capable of stopping me, right?" He sneers, pointing at us. "Well, you're wrong. I hope you haven't bought anything for that piece of shit that's growing inside you because he's not going to make it out alive."
"That's what you think." Harry says, rolling his eyes. "You're wasting our time. Please leave and let Mus get some rest. We would highly appreciate it."
"I'm wasting your time?! I'm wasting your time? She's the one who's wasting your time, and you're not even realizing it. Harry, you won't gain any benefits from her. Grow up!"
"I have grown up. I have become my own person. I used to be your shadow, but now I've stepped out of it, and you're the one who wants to pull me back under."
"I want what's best for you, son."
"If you knew what's best for me, you'd leave us alone, and let us celebrate the coming of our baby."
"Harry, you're so childish." His father sighs, and shakes his head. He turns around and exits the room. Harry looks at me, confused. I shrug my shoulders. We both expected him to put up more of a fight.
"That was something." Anne says, smiling sheepishly. "Congratulations!" I think Anne's the only happy person among us.
"Thank you, mother." Harry says, trying his best to crack a smile.
"You're both going to be parents, and I'm going to get a grandchild."
"Something you've always dreamed of." Anne wraps her arms around Harry.
"You're going to be the best father in the world. Don't worry about your father."
"How the heck can I not worry about what that man's going to do? He causes destruction wherever he goes."
"Keep quiet." Anne scolds him, pouting. She rushes over to be and leans down to hug me.
"Don't move." She says, when she notices I'm trying to get up. "Aren't you excited?"
"Very." I manage to plaster a fake smile on my face for her sake.
"The both of you must start shopping from now."
"But, mother, we don't even know the baby's gender." Harry says, his voice laced with excitement.
"That's the fun of it!" Anne squeals like a little girl. "You should get things for both genders."
"That's a waste of money." Harry argues, groaning.
"If you won't buy my grandchild clothes, Mus and I will do it ourselves." Anne says, crossing her arms over her chest, stubbornly.
"Fine! Jesus, women are so stubborn." Harry says, chuckling. Anne smiles to herself because she knows she's won this argument.
"I'm highly persuasive. After all, I've been staying with your father for more than twenty five years." Honestly, I salute Anne for bearing with Harry's father. No woman can stay with that man.
"Harry, go get us something to eat." Anne says, taking a seat on the couch.
"I'll ask the nurse to get something." She shakes her head.
"No, you need to go. I want to talk to Mus about something." Harry opens his mouth to argue, but then he shuts it.
"Okay." Harry murmurs, before exiting the room. I straighten the blanket, and hug it closer to my body. For some reason, I feel as if the temperature in the room has dropped.
"Mus, this is not over." Anne says.
"What isn't over?" I ask her, confused.
"Des, has not given up. He's going to make sure something happens to that child."
"Harry and I won't let him. We'll protect this child with our life." I assure her.
"You don't know him the way that I do. He won't give up, trust me." Anne sighs, and rest her head against the wall. "Des, doesn't want this child to come into this world. He knows that if this child comes that means your family has power in our kingdom as well. Because he or she will be the heir to the throne after Harry and you."
"Shouldn't he be worried about me?" I will be the one to ascend the throne after Harry.
"No, he's not worried about you because he thinks Harry will remarry. I've seen the way he looks at you, and I know he loves you."
"I know that too." I murmur.
"Anne!" I hear Des yell from outside.
"You better go before he loses his cool." I tell her.
"Remember what I said." Anne says, before getting up and exiting. Why is she so worried about Des harming our child? He can't harm him without harming me. Oh!

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