Unjustified Actions

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I open my eyes and shut them immediately. The harsh light burns them. I squint them open this time. I'm a hospital room, if I'm not mistaken. Harry is sleeping on the couch, with his arms crossed over his chest. His neck is tilted toward the right side, and he's a proper mess. Harry's clothes are crinkled, his jeans seem to have gotten more torn and his hair...a bird has made a nest on it. I want to wake him up, but by the way he's sleeping, I have a feeling that he hasn't slept in days. The door opens, and a nurse walks in with a tray. Her eyes land on me and she smiles. I smile back at her, but the movement hurts my cheeks. Poor thing, she has to jump over Harry's outstretched legs to get to me.
"Good morning," she whispers, sweetly.
"Morning," I say. My voice sounds hoarse and funny.
"Before any further conversation, please take these medicines." She holds up a tiny box that contains a few pills. I stretch out my palm and she tilts the box on top of my hand. I place them in my mouth, swallowing them with the help of a glass of water that she hands me. The nurse pulls up a stool and takes a seat.
"Welcome back." The nurse greets me, smiling. I search her dress for a name tag. Her name's Aria.
"Thank you, Aria. How long have I been out?"
"A week almost. Honestly, you weren't responding to the drips and medicines. Doctor Howard, thought you're a gone case, but he never gave up." Aria looks over at Harry, with admiration in her eyes. "You're a lucky woman to have found someone who loves you so much. He never left this room or the hallway, while you were in the operation theater. Alongside you he took care of your child."
"Where's Edward?" I ask her. I don't remember what happened after I entered the study. I hope Edward didn't suffer.
"He's right there." Aria looks across me and I turn my head to find a tiny cot, with Edward sleeping in it. "Your son's fine. No harm came to him because of you." Aria went on to tell me about my injuries, and my death grip on Edward. "I salute you for protecting him in that manner." I smile at her words, feeling a sense of relief wash over me.
"When did Harry fall asleep?" I ask Aria, taking another look at Harry's uncomfortable sleeping position.
"An hour earlier. I was making my rounds when he closed his eyes. Before that, he was feeding Edward." Aria says, fixing my blanket.
"Can I get up?" Aria ponders on the question for a second and then nods her head.
"Just, hold on to me." Aria says, taking my arm in her hand. With her help, I push myself up slightly, but the movement hurts a lot. My abdomen and back hurt are hurting the most. Suddenly, a dog starts barking. I look around the room, confused and so does Aria.
"I'm up!" Harry exclaims, opening his eyes and sitting up immediately. "Luke, changing time." The dog's barking was Harry's alarm. I'm amazed he woke up. Harry can never wake up with the sound of the alarm. He switches it off and gets up. For some reason, Harry hasn't noticed me. In order to get his attention, I clear my throat. Harry turns his head in my direction, looking confused and startled. When his eyes land on me, they widen.
"Mus!" Harry exclaims, startled. "You're awake!"
"Yes, I am." I say, laughing. Harry rushes toward me, enveloping me in a tight hug.
"I've missed you. Luke missed you, don't you ever do this to us again." Harry scolds me, smiling. He stares at my face for a second, before he leans down and kisses me. Our kiss is filled with passion and desperation. I lean forward slightly and whimper, due to the pain that shoots through my abdomen.
"Easy, there." Harry says, moving back. He cups my cheek with his right hand, and I love the feeling of his soft, warm hand against my cheek. Edward's cries break our little moment. Sighing, Harry rushes to Edward's cot and picks him up. I think I'm just imagining it, but I feel as if Edward has grown. It's a crazy thought, so I store it away. Harry sways Edward back and forth in his arms. Gosh, this moment is so picturesque. I turn to Aria to tell her to snap their picture, but she's not there. Looks like she slipped out quietly, while we were having our moment.
"Luke, shush up already. We have to prove to your mother that we've been doing a great job." Harry tells Edward, and I laugh at his silly ways. "Looks like he knows you're awake. He's demanding your attention and service now." Smiling, Harry hands Edward to me and I take him gently. The feeling of Edward in my arms is so familiar. It brings a feeling of pure pleasure and bliss.
"Let's turn on the television." Harry says, grabbing the remote and placing it beside me. Edward is already half asleep.
"I'll take him," Harry says. He takes Edward from my arms. "I need to change him." While Harry's doing the tedious and highly unpleasant task of changing Edward, I switch on the television.
"It's been five days since the king's unexpected death and yet, we've seen no sign of our new King, Harry Edward Styles. It's quite strange, isn't it Sam?" A news reporter says. I furrow my brows, confused at the woman's words. The King is dead?
"Harry, what happened to your father?" I ask him, reading the headlines.
"Mus, he died." Harry says, curtly as if he doesn't want to continue this conversation, but I do.
"How?" I bet that Harry can hear the level of curiosity present in my tone. Harry murmurs something unintelligible. "Pardon?"
"I killed him," Harry whispers. My mouth drops open due to Harry's words.
"Did I hear you correctly? You killed him?!" I practically yell. Harry nods his head. "Why?"
"Because he's the one who sent those men to kill you. He's the reason why you're here in the first place."
"That doesn't mean you kill him!" I exclaim, placing my hand on my forehead.
"It was about time, don't you think. He'd made everyone's life a living hell." Harry says.
"That doesn't justify what you did." I still can't believe that Harry would do such a thing.
"Let us in!" I hear a woman yell from outside the room door. There's some shuffling and then the door bursts open, revealing my mother and father.

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