Chapter- 22

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•Shannon's POV•

We take a bus ride into the big city of DC, and we decide to check out the Air and Space museum. I sit next to Sydney, of course and as Michael sits up front with the other teachers.

"You got money?" I ask Sydney as I take a sip of her home made lemonade.

She looks at me like I'm full of stupidity. "What do you want from the damn Air and Space museum?"

I shrug and stare at my phone. "There's a McDonald's in there with a McCafé inside. Need some coffee to help me stay awake."

"Bitch there is coffee back at the hotel."

"Not iced coffee."

"Put some ice in it."

"Do I look like I'm on a budget to you?"

Sydney rolls her eyes and turns up her music. "Smart ass."

"Ooh! What song is this?" I press her home button to see the title.

Back to Sleep - Chris Brown

"Damn." I say under my breath. "Chris brown is a total sex god."

"Girl don't you talk, just hold on tight to me girl, I'ma fuck you back to sleep girl.." Sydney sings with a whole bunch of passion, as a few teachers look back in disgust.

I look up the lyrics and read ahead, because I want to have a part in this too. Right when I start to sing, Michael looks back.

"Ain't sorry that I woke ya, I ain't sorry 'bout ya job. Call sick in the morning so I can get a little bit more of your love."

Sydney keeps jamming out with me and gives me a high five. I look to Michael as he is enjoying himself listening to me sing. He's so attractive and he doesn't even have to try.

"Keep it down, please. You're disturbing other passengers." Mrs. Cottrell strictly says, stomping her foot.

Then, the bus starts singing Call Me Maybe. What the hell?

I shake my head in disgust and I sneak a peak over at Michael as he shrugs and smiles.

•Mr. Jackson's POV•
An hour before we left.

I walked towards the person, trying to keep my cool.

"Excuse me, do you know where the nearest gas station is?" She asks as she pushes a strand of hair behind her ear.

I look at her and smiled. "As you pull out the hotel, you keep going to the left and you will eventually find the gas station."

She looks behind herself and sighs. "Well, damn. Thank you. Might take awhile to get there with this suck ass car."

"Aw... Well, if I didn't have a class to teach in a few, I'd be glad to help you." I scratch my neck and sigh.

"You're a teacher? Wow, I would've never known. You look too professional to be a teacher."

"I'm taking it as if you're flirting with me... Miss-"

"Angi. Yes, I know who you are."

I don't know how or why, but damn, she is very beautiful. I don't want to seem like a bad... boyfriend?

I straighten up my posture and cross my arms looking down at her. "Well, Angi. Good luck finding the gas station. If you need anything else, I'm staying in this hotel."

She smiles at me as she walks the opposite direction. "Sounds like a plan. Thanks, Michael Jackson."

I turn, walking out the building feeling a bit of guilt. I shouldn't feel guilty, right? It wasn't like we were actually flirting. Plus, Shannon and I had a great time last night and there is nothing that can ruin that.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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