Chapter- 2

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After Michael showed us the video, he started telling us about his life. The class listened nicely as he explained... Except two people. Yes, some siblings are alike. And sadly, I'm like Peter. Peter kept on adding comments to whatever Michael was saying. And me, hell... I don't know what I was doing. I was just asking some silly questions that made the class laugh.

"So... Let me guess something." Michael smirked as he looked at me.

I nod and raise an eyebrow. "Sup, Jackson."

Michael gives me an annoyed look, which makes me laugh. "Mr. Jackson to you..."

I cross my arms and give him a smirk. "Oh, alright 'Mr. Jackson'. I'm Shannon by the way."

He nods and looks at Peter. "Excuse me, but are you and Shannon siblings?"

Peter laughs and nods. "Sadly. How could you tell?"


After class was over, Michael asked me to stay and give him a tour around the school, since it was off block classes now. Before Brooke left, I asked her to tell anyone who asked where I was that I was giving him a tour.

I walked over to Michael, who was standing by the door. "Excuse me, Jackson?"

Michael crossed his arms and gave me this look. (Not to lie, the looks he gives me are hot as fuck.)
"Mr. Jackson."

I roll my eyes and lean on the wall. "Whatever... Can't you just learn your way around the school another time? I got to get to class..."

Michael shook his head and laughed. "I'd rather learn my way now. And drop the attitude, Shannon. Show some respect before you get into trouble."

I fake gasp and use my sarcasm. "I didn't know you were a police."

He sighs and puts his hand on the doorknob. "I don't like your attitude."

He walks out the door, I finally gave in and followed him. "Fine, I'll show you around. Can you write me a pass for my class I go to after we're done with this?"

Michael shrugs and sticks his hands in his pockets. "I don't think you deserve a pass from the way you're treating me."

I scoff and look up at him. "Wow. You're rude."

Michael stops and looks down at me. "You're a pain."

I shake my head. "You don't even know me."

He continues walking, I catch up to him. "Sorry..."

"Don't apologize." Michael chuckles.

A teacher turns the corner and stops in front of us. "Hello, Michael. How's your first day so far?"

Michael smiles and nods. "Very well, ma'am. Shannon is just giving me a tour around here, and is probably going to help me out for the rest of today."

The teacher smiles at me. "Oh, Shannon! Our favorite student at this school, such a sweet girl."

My eyes widen as Michael looks at me in disbelief. Yeah, I don't believe that either.

"She is very laid back, very easygoing..."

"Wow." Michael said as he looked back at the teacher.

"Well, you guys continue the tour... Shannon, I'll write you a pass for your classes, honey." She said, turning her back and walking away.

Michael shakes his head. "Um... She doesn't need one-"

I nudge Michael on his side and call back to the other teacher. "That would be great! Thank you!"

Mr. Jackson (A Michael Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now