Chapter- 7

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"So are you gonna talk to me about my behavior?" I asked, putting my legs up on my desk.

Mr. Jackson nods and pulls out a box of cookies. "Yes, but I want to know what Logan sent you."

"Sent me?"

He nods. "Yes, like a message. On your little doodads."

Pulling out my phone and waving it. "Can you catch?"

"If I'm lucky."

I unlock my phone, and toss it to him, and thank the Lords above he caught it.

He smiles, noticing my wallpaper on my phone is still him. Then he looks at the message and his smile fades.

"Did you guys.."

I nod, knowing what he was going to say. "Yeah, not anymore. He's acting pretty awkward."

Mr. Jackson nods and tossed me my phone back. "Yeah? I've been noticing some inappropriate behavior coming from him."

I scoff and clap my hands. "That's him everyday- an asshole." I smile.

"Yeah, I see."

"So," I say, smirking. "Back to you, why were you acting like a total dick to me?"

"Shannon..." Mr. Jackson says, walking to close the door. "Remember when I took your donut and your iced coffee?"

"You need to pay me back-"

"Do you?" He snaps.

"Yeah." I slouch in my seat.

Mr. Jackson nods and continues. "Yes, well the assistant principal was observing me, and she saw that and she told me to watch it, or I'll get fired."

I laugh and shake my head. "You're Michael Jackson though."

He shrugs. "She's not a fan." And smiles.

My eyes widen. "Wow.. But you got that charming smile on your face, that contagious laugh that can get fucking annoying but I think it's adorable-"

Mr. Jackson smiles a bit then looks down. "You think my laugh is annoying?"

Pressing my lips together, giving him an uneasy look. "So what about the field trip?"

Mr. Jackson gives me a smile and laughs, runs a hand through his curls. "You know, I really didn't take away your privilege..."

My eyes widen as my bitchy look turns into a smile. "Really?"

He nods and laughs. "Why would I? You would probably make the whole trip fun."

I blush a little, then scoff. "No way, you got others."

Mr. Jackson smiles at me and shakes his head. "You're the only one who'd make the trip fun."

I cover my face as I continue to blush. "Do you know anything about the hotel? I'm a germaphobe."

He laughs and sits himself up on his desk. "Same, but I know it's a five star hotel, so we should be good."

We? As in him and I? Girl, Shannon, soothe your boobs. Just think of him as a teacher and not as a friend... Or passed that.

I nod and cross my arms. "Uh huh... I'm thinking I should bring a sleeping bag. I have a feeling I'm not gonna be comfortable in those beds."

Mr. Jackson laughs and scratches his neck. "Well, I'll have a room by myself, so you're welcome to stay."

After detention, Mr. Jackson leads me to the door and smiles. "Don't forget tomorrow's detention!"

I laugh as I put my backpack strap over my shoulder. "Oh, I won't!"

Mr. Jackson (A Michael Jackson Story)Where stories live. Discover now