Chapter- 5

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It was Friday, thank God. I get up from my bed and check my clock. 8:05?! Fuck, I'm late for school! Sliding off my bed and I walk over to my blinds and open them. The sky was dark, wind was crazy. I looked at the sky then a flash of lightning nearly blinded me, (note the exaggeration) and then a loud crack of thunder.

I shrug, then I move to my bed, putting on my sweatshirt and I pull on some sweatpants. I run my hand through my wavy hair, fixing the original part- at the side. Stuffing my phone in my sweatshirt pocket, I make my way downstairs. Walking into the wreck room, Peter is playing his X-Box.

Looking at him confusedly, I cross my arms. "Did we both sleep in late or..."

Peter takes off his headset, rolls his eyes to me and sighs. "School got canceled because of this massive storm." He says, gesturing towards the window.

I scratch my neck and head to my father's office, which is right next to this room.

He turns around from the computer and removes his reading glasses. "Well good morning, honey. Did you have a nice sleep?"

I bite my lip and nod. "Uh, yes... I'm going to head out and pick up mom.. She's coming home today." I say, shuffling my feet.

My father nods as he hands me my car keys. "Are you sure? It's pretty bad out there."

Shrugging, I look him in the eye and crack a smile. "Yes, dad. I'll be alright. I'll be back soon. Love you."

He sighs and turns back to the computer. "Love you too."


Driving down the road, I see a similar figure jogging. But who could be jogging in this weather? I pull up to the person and roll my window down.

"Hey! What kind of a dumb ass would be jogging in this weather?" I yell out to the person.

The person stops running and takes the hood off, revealing a guy with curly hair, leaving a few curls in his face and looks at me. "Shannon..? What are you doing out here?"

Unlocking the car, I point to the passengers side. "I'm picking up my mom from the hospital. Want to come?"

Michael jogs towards the passengers side, opens the door and gets in. As I continue to drive to the hospital, Michael keeps looking at me and laughing.

As we reach a stoplight, I look at him and furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

He bites his lip and shakes his head. "Quite an outfit- all sweats and flip flops."

Rolling my eyes, I look at his outfit. "Thanks, for someone who wears sunglasses on a rainy day and 24/7..." I scoff, the light turns green and I continue to drive.

Michael starts laughing and takes his sunglasses off, sets them in the glove compartment and looks at me again.

"Does this change your mind about me looking at your outfit?" He licks his lips and smirks.

I shrug and give him a quick look. "My outfit, huh?" Then I look back.

Michael chuckles and places his hand on my right leg. "You should've worn shorts."

Pulling into the parking space to the hospital, I turn the car off, remove his hand from my leg and look at him. "No, I'm fine with pants."

And with that I get out of the car, Michael gets out and catches up to me and smacks my butt, making me flinch.

"What the hell?"

He smirks and puts an arm around my waist as we walk through the doors. "Nice ass.." He whispers, making me blush.

I shake my head, trying to hide my red cheeks. "Stop it..."

Michael smiles at me as I go to the counter to check my mom out of the hospital.

"Hey Shannon, your mothers coming down now." Butler smiles at me from the counter.

Butler goes to my school, my age but I don't have any classes with him. He's really nice and sweet, not like the average guy you'd meet. He gets bullied sometimes, but he doesn't let that bother him. He's a strong guy on the inside.

I smile back and nod. "Thanks, Butler."

Butler nods and looks over to Michael who is now next to me. "Hey, Mr. Jackson! What are you doing here?" He chuckles and smiles.

"My uh- I'm checking out my mother too."

Butler laughs and sits back in his chair. "That's cool, I didn't know your mother was here too!"

I nudge Michael and shake my head. "No, he's just being stupid. He's with me."

A nurse whispers in Butlers ear, causing him to jump. "Alright guys, I'll talk to you later, nice seeing y'all!"

As Butler leaves, Michael and I sit in the waiting room. I grab a magazine and start reading it, purposely leaving Michael to stare at me. Suddenly an elderly woman drops her cane, I sat the magazine on Michael's lap and go over to help her.

I bend over and grab the cane, knowing Michael would stare at my butt. I stand back up and hand the cane to the woman with a smile.

"Oh, how sweet of you. Thank you so much! God bless you sweetie."

I nod and smile, and I walk over to Michael, who is smirking. "You're a very sweet person." Michael squints at me.

"I know..."

Later, my mother walks out with a big smile. "Shannon, honey!"

I walk over to her and gave her a big hug. "Mom!"

Michael walks over and smiles. "Hello!"

Letting go, my mother looks at Michael and her eyes widen. "Michael Jackson, huh? Who knew you'd turn out to be my daughters teacher!"

I sigh. "And Peter..."


Walking inside the house, I take off my sweatshirt because it's all wet from the storm. My mother had already talked to my father and Peter, who are overwhelmed that she is home.

I turn to Michael and grab his hand, leading him to my room. I shut my door and sit on my bed next to Michael and sigh. "I'm bored."

Michael laughs and looks around. "I got some cards... Wanna play 52 Card Pick Up?"

I look at him. "I'm not stupid." I scoff.

I realize my phone must've fallen out from me carrying my sweatshirt up. I walk over to pick it up, as I turn back, Michael smiles. "Red laced thong?"

My eyes widen as I sit down next to him. "You saw it, I didn't mean for-"

Michael places his finger on my lips and laughs. "Don't be sad..."

He changes position, sitting crossed legged facing me. He pulls me on his lap and whispers deeply in my ear. "Put on some shorts."

I nod as I get off of him, go into my bathroom and changed into some high shorts. Walking back out, Michael looks to me and nods. "A+"

I sit next to him and shake my head. "What the fuck?"

Michael laughs and pulls me back on his lap. His fresh minty breath. His hands on my waist. He starts kissing my neck. I let out a small moan as he reaches to my jawline. He starts kissing me passionately on my lips and I have no problem with that. I slide my hand down his chest to his pants, feeling his bulge which is pretty hard... He lets out a deep moan in my mouth. I guess me touching him makes him horny...
I lean him back on my wall, still kissing on my bed. I gently squeeze the erection in his pants, causing him to moan and bite my bottom lip.

"Stay the night..." I say, running my hand through his curls.

Michael puts his hand under my shirt and rubs my stomach. "Of course..."


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