Chapter- 1

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Waking up to my alarm clock every morning sure sucks ass, but I already had gotten used to it. I open my eyes slowly and check the time... 6:25 a.m. At first I didn't expect to wake up at that time, but I quickly remember that at 5:50 I pressed snooze.

I turn the alarm off, I sit up from my bed, yawning and rubbing my eyes. I take a short, warm shower, brush my teeth and all the morning stuff. I finally put a sweatshirt on and some shorts because it's Wednesday and I'm at the point where I just don't give a damn.

Jogging downstairs, I greet my father who is making breakfast.
"Hey, dad."

He looks up from the pan, smiles and chuckles. "Hey, good morning, sunshine!"

I groan, sitting on the bar chair, spinning myself. "Morning."

I hear footsteps fly down the stairs and into the other bar chair, next to me. My brother Peter. I don't talk to him, because he's annoying most of the time. My father slips some eggs onto two plates with some bacon and toast.

"Did you do that homework that was assigned yesterday?" Peter asked, stuffing his face.

I roll my eyes and grab my fork, eating like a human being. "Did I want to do it?"

Peter laughs and smirks at me. "Slacker..."

I shrug, putting a forkful of eggs into my mouth. "Let me copy yours."

He shakes his head. "I guess you're going to get an F then, Shannon."

"Not if I copy yours, now hand it over-"

My father sighs and begins to wash the dishes after breakfast. "Shan, you're going to have to grow up and do your homework."

But of course for me, that shit went through one ear and right out the other. After breakfast, Peter and I say bye to my father, we head on to school.


Walking into hell, I see my friend Brooke at her locker, getting stuff for class. Peter shoves me to the side and says goodbye to me, as he heads off to our class. And to be completely honest, having my brother in the same class as me isn't so bad. It's embarrassing.

I walk over to Brooke, and start to open my locker which is next to hers, thank God.

"Hey, Shan!" She greets me with a warm smile.

I shrug and collect my stuff for my first class. "Sup, Brooke."

Shutting my locker, we both walk into our classroom and sits in our seats. Brooke sits next to me and snickers.

"Wrong seat, Brooke." Efrain taps her on the shoulder.

Brooke turns around and flicks him off. "New teacher, bitch."

My eyes widen because I remembered we're getting a new teacher. Hopefully, he or she isn't as bad as out last one. Haha, everyone hated that bitch. As soon as everyone got in the classroom, we all took our seats and started talking.

"I guess we can leave since no ones here!" Logan yells, then everyone starts laughing.

Ahh, the baddest player of them all... My ex, Logan. No, he didn't abuse me. Shit, if he abused me he would have a cast on his arms and feet. The reason why I broke up with him, was because one, he's a cheater. Two, he's Peter's best friend and that's awkward as hell. We still remain somewhat friends.

"Shannon, what are you doing this weekend? I was thinking we could hang out and have a party." Brooke asks.

I nod, putting all my crap into my desk. "Most likely..."

Everyone just continues talking until someone walks into the room, shuts the door and turns around, facing us.

"Holy fucking hell..." I whisper to Brooke, while staring at this man.

Brooke's jaw drops. "Shan... He's not a student... Is he?"

I shrug and shake my head, watching him walk towards the desk, sits his things down and he sits in his chair. "I don't think so..."

"Everyone! Shut the hell up, the teachers here!" I yelled, soon enough, everyone shut up.

The man chuckles and nods. "Um... Thank you? Try not to use profanity next time..."

I lean back in my chair, crosses my arms and nods. "No problem-"

"Daddy..." Brooke whispers into my ear, causing me to burst out into laughter.

He raises an eyebrow and bites his lip. "Am I missing something, miss?"

I'm trying not to lose my cool... But damn, is he hot or what?

"Nah man." I chuckle as I make a gesture for him to continue. "Go on, who are you?"

He gives me a look, straightens up his position and smiles. "Hello, class. I am your new teacher for the rest of the year-"

Peter laughs and kicks his feet up on the desk. "Where you from, sir? Tell us about your life."

The man smirks, opens up the computer and starts typing. "I think you guys are going to like me."

He brings over a video to the smart board, looks at the class and chuckles. "Who likes this song?"

"Excuse me, but why are you showing us a music video-" Logan asks, but he gets nudged by Peter.

Me, staring at the board, with my mouth open a little. "No fucking way..."

The man put the song Bad on the smart board but hasn't played it.

Brooke looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "I'm confused..."

The man takes off his fedora and throws it to me and Brooke. "Class, call me Mr. Jackson."

He hits play on the board, as the music video to Bad starts to play...

Brooke and I stare at each other in awe, both of us were thinking the same thing... Well, my thought is probably more explicit but... Michael Jackson, the guy who made the masterpiece, Thriller and the guy who made the "moonwalk" famous... Is my teacher.

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