Chapter- 14

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"Thanks for going out and buying a s'mores pack to share, Sydney." I say, roasting my third marshmallow on the fire.

She takes a bite out of her s'mores and smiles. "No problem. But what did he say when he went outside to find you?"

I think back to a few hours ago, when I was humiliated by my classmates, and when Michael told me he loved me.

"Michael said..." I say quietly and slowly, making sure the only person who could hear me is Sydney.

"Michael said what?" Logan sits next to me and slides his arm around.

"He said to back the fuck away from me or I'll throw your ass out a window." I snap, scooting away from Logan.

"Go fuck a cactus or something." Sydney scoffs.

"Ooh, the new girl becomes a savage, huh?" Logan smirks as he gets up. "I'll catch you two girls later."

"And when I catch you," Sydney starts, "I'll fucking beat your ass until you can't feel your ass no more and I'll dislocate your growth plate so you ain't get taller but I'll be taller and you'll be a lesser to me."

"Sydney!" I laugh and smack her arm. "He was right about the savage part!"

"No one fucks with us. Now let's go upstairs to get ready for bed, you can tell me everything there." Sydney stands up and takes my hand as we walk inside.



I put my hand over her mouth. "Hush now, will you?!"

Sydney walks over to the bed and sits down. "You guys are gonna get married and have kids that are attractive as fuck!"

"You wanna spend the night with Butler?" I ask, playing with my fingers.

"Why?" Sydney asks with a smirk. "Do you and Michael have some sort of thing happening here?"

"Or you can have him over here because Michael has the jacuzzi over there." I smirk as I wiggle my eyebrows.

Sydney stands up and jumps. "You guys are going to have sex in a jacuzzi?!"

"No, we are simply going to watch a movie."

"Oh, so it's a Netflix and chill situation?" Sydney crosses her arms.

I shake my head as I walk towards the mirror. "No, he kisses me all the time anyway."

"Well sex or not, you are lucky to be even in Michael Jackson's presence." Sydney grabs a drink from the fridge.

I shrug as I hear my phone ring. "He's a teacher though."


"Baby when are you going to be here?" Michael asks through the phone in a deep voice.

I press the mute button and breathe heavily. "He's using that deep voice again."

I un-mute it and put the phone back to my ear.

"I...I'll be over in five minutes Michael.."

"Well hurry." He demands. "I need to satisfy you baby."

"Let me get my things, I'll be right over."

"I'll be waiting. I have a movie too, y'know, for our movie night."

"Alright Michael-"

"Mmm..." He moans. "I just love the way my name rolls off your tongue. I need you now, so I'll hang up and let you get over here faster. I love you."

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