Pulled back to the city

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Judy was having dinner with her ridiculously large family when her walkie rang.

"Excuse me, sorry," she said, getting up from the table to the coat closet, where her bag was in. She rummaged through her random items and her iPuma cords until she found the beeping pager. It was from Bernie.

She quickly took it outside, and took out her iKarret to call the spectacled bunny.

"Nick's gone!"

"What? Slow down..."

"Nick went to check out the other location of the gang in Rainforest District, and we've lost the signal of his walkie. Do you think you can come down here?" Bernie's voice was talking so fast she could barely understand what he was saying.

"I'm all the way in Bunnyburrow..."

"Just try." He hung up.

Judy stared at the phone in shock. Nick was gone? Kidnapped? Killed? She clenched her teeth, trying to absorb the new information. It must have been the Terrifying Yellers. They must've captured him when he was poking around. I shouldn't have left him. Coming up here was a bad idea...

Judy hurried back into the house to deliver the news.

"You have to leave? Already?" Stu's voice was a high squeal. Judy winced.

"Stu! She's on a case! Let her go," Bonnie said to her husband. "It was good to see her for a bit, wasn't it?"

Stu grunted. Judy knew that her father wasn't angry that she had to leave so soon, just disappointed. "I'll try to come back, okay?" she told him. "But I love my job. I rarely ever want to leave."

Bonnie pulled her daughter into a hug. "And we're so proud of you for it," she said. She reached over Stu's shoulder to the keys hung on the wall. "Take the blue truck. Go do your duty."

"Thank you so much!" Judy exclaimed. She grabbed the keys, blew her parents a kiss, and ran out the door. "I'll come back soon for my stuff!" she called over her shoulder. How she would survive without her iPuma, she didn't know. 

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