West Redfox

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Judy let Nick drive his rusted pickup to the Rainforest District, but he wasn't the best driver. Other cars honked at him when he swerved too tight or nearly came close to crashing. The rain was pounding down, and the windshield wipers were put on the fastest mode possible.

Nick pulled into a small parking lot that had quite a few cars in it. The small hut was made out of bamboo, but it was sheltered from the pouring rain and sprinklers that were always running. Pedestrians walked in and out of the hut, opening or closing brightly colored umbrellas. Huge trees draped over the hut, creating a tropical look for it, despite the jungle background.

Nick got out of the car, and started walking into the rain, as casually as he could. He turned around and noticed that Judy wasn't coming out of the car. He opened the passenger side of the door. "What are you doing?" he laughed.

Judy had braced herself on the handle above the window, and her armrest. She was frozen in place in terror. "You...are...the worst...driver...I have ever...seen," she gasped.

Nick unbuckled the bunny, and dragged her out of the car. "C'mon, Carrots," he urged. "You gotta look tough."

"Tough? I'm a bunny."

"Just come on," Nick said impatiently. He wore a green shirt with a purple striped tie and khakis. Judy, on the other hand, looked like a farm girl--which was basically all she owned besides police uniforms--wearing a red plaid shirt with baggy jeans.

Nick opened the door of the hut for her, and Judy entered the bustling commotion of the pub.

The West Redfox pub was full of huge, muscled animals conversing secretly in the corner of the hut, cheering on a hockey game on the wide-screen TV, and a laughing tattooed group of tigers at the bar.

Some of the laughter and chatter subsided when the fox and the tiny bunny walked in the door.

"Evenin'," Nick said casually, nodding at the crowd. He led Judy to a small square table near the door, avoiding all curious gazes. He waved to the bartender, a gorilla with a baggy green T-shirt with a red fox cartoon and jeans.

The gorilla trudged towards them grumpily, and asked, "What do you want?" He held a small pad of paper.

"Some information with a side of fries," said Nick casually. Judy wondered how he could do that so well undercover.

The gorilla stared at him curiously. He pocketed his notebook and sat down in the empty chair beside Judy. She edged away from him nervously.

"What do you want, fox?" He enunciated the word 'fox', as if the word disgusted him.

Nick cleared his throat nervously. "We're looking for this group of animals--we have some..." He searched for the right word, "unfinished business with. Perhaps you've heard of the..." he lowered his voice, "Terrifying Yellers?"

The gorilla sucked in a deep breath as soon as Nick said the name. He didn't respond for a few minutes.

"Okay, if I tell you, will you get out of here? Other animals are getting suspicious."


The gorilla then spoke in a voice so quiet that Judy had to strain to hear, even though she was sitting right next to him. "They have a few hideouts around Zootopia, but the Sahara Square is the one that they hang out the most. There's Yellow Street Mansion--"

"We've already been there," Nick interrupted. "What are the other places?"

The gorilla took out his notepad and wrote down an address. "Here's the place. Now please, leave." He tore out the piece of paper.

Nick took it quickly, and practically dragged Judy out the door. When the door slammed behind them, Judy and Nick went under a huge leaf for shelter from the pounding rain. Nick unfolded the small piece of paper.

"Rainforest District. How convenient," Nick said.

Judy checked her phone. "Nick, it's getting late. And tomorrow I need to get on the train to get back home."

"I can check it out tomorrow," Nick said. "You get home with your family."

"What about the concert? The Gazelle concert with Clawhauser?"

"It'll be later in the evening," Nick said, pocketing the piece of paper. "I won't forget to ScratchCat you."

Judy held out her hand to Nick just as he was about to open the driver's side of the pickup.

Nick narrowed his eyes. "No, I'm not going to let you drive my car," he said firmly, opening the door.

Judy grabbed the handle before he could slam it shut. "I'd rather not die," she growled. Her nose twitched.

"Trust me, Carrots," Nick said, slipping on his sunglasses.

Judy groaned. "You leave me no choice," she growled.

She yanked Nick's green shirt until he fell out of the car. He yelped and grabbed his sunglasses before they could fall off.

Judy settled herself in the car, smirking at the fox. "Get in," she said.

Nick pouted, but sat in the passenger side. "It's for your own safety," Judy said with satisfaction.

Zootopia Fanfiction: The Terrifying YellersWhere stories live. Discover now