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So, my new book is a Shawn Mendes fanfiction. I'm really excited, but I'm probably gonna take a mini break from writing. But it will be up soon! If you wanna check it out, it's called:

"A Songbook In The Making"

Shawn and Lucy have been best friends since age 3. They've always been been there for each other, and did everything together. When they were 13, Shawn realized his talent and love for music, and soon other people did, too. But what happens when Shawn goes on tour because of it...without Lucy? Will everything fall apart, or will they draw each other back in, like they always have?

It will be up soon! Every view, comment, and vote help me feel better about my shitty life! So yeah!

For the final time for Skipping In Land Mines,
Bye Guys!


Skipping In Land Mines: A Girl Meets World storyWhere stories live. Discover now