Chapter 5: The Plan

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Maya's POV
I had gone to my locker to get my books for English. As soon as I opened my locker, I realized that Riley had my books and... I'm Maya. I began to walk away when I was stopped by the one and only-

"Woah, Sundance. Stop feeling me up, I thought you liked Riley." I said, on account of his hand accidentally landing on one of my girls. He looked down, the swiped his hand away, realizing what he'd done. Then he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, get over yourself, Hart. You're not that fantastic."

"Oh, so you  think I'm fantastic?" I ask, smirking. He rolled his eyes again. "So Hop-A-Long, why am I here?"

"What? On this Earth? Probably to bug the shit out of me." He says.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." I say. "No, what I meant is I was walking and you stopped me. Why?"

"I need to ask you something that's not gonna be easy for you hear, and it sure as hell isn't going to be easy for me to say."

"Well get on with with, Ranger Roy, I don't have all millennium!"

"Millennium? That's a big word, I'm proud of ya, Maya."

"Thanks, Sundance. Compliments of Riley's Word of the Day Calender."

"Word of the Day Calender? That's adorable."

"Yeah, ok, gross. Anyway, your question?"

"Right." He says as he takes a deep breath. "I need you to go to the dance with me."

I sighed. "We've been over this, Cowboy. You're not my type."

"Don't worry Clutterbucket, it's just to make Riley jealous."

"Hmm. Making my best friend friend jealous by going to the stupidest high school tradition of all time with her crush. I don't know." I say as I tap my chin in mock thinking. Because let's face it, unless I'm scheming, I don't think.

"Please? I'll do your homework for a month. And I'll bring ice cream and horror movies on the weekend and we can make fun of the idiotic victims together."

"Nope, not good enough."

"I'll bring you a dozen of your favorite donuts and a chocolate caramel frappe every day."

"We're getting there." I say, swaying my head from side to side.

"I will do anything!" He yelled, desperately.

"You know what I want!" I say pointing my finger in his face. 

"Fine!" He says, giving into me and my deceiving ways. "I'll play the game right."

"Yas! That and  bringing me that frappe every day until we graduate should do it!"

"Yeah, yeah."

"Pleasure doing business with ya, Ranger Rick." I say as I take his hand and shake it.

"K, bye."

"See ya at the dance, Bucky McBoing Boing." I say as I skip away, knowing I had finally broken him.

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