Chapter 20

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"Take a deep breath! It's just wedding photo shoot. Nothing much." Lu Qing exclaimed, trying to calm the nervous Hyemin. "But it's my first time in a gown. And it's a constant reminder that I'm marrying the guy I've loved for my whole life." Hyemin cried before trying to calm down. She's too excited and nervous for that to happen. "Glad to hear that, jagiya." Jongin who was wondering what took his girlfriend, now fiancé so long. He hugged her from behind and Hyemin could feel his racing heartbeat on her back as she leaned on his chest.

Lu Qing rolled her eyes at the couple, "I'm gonna puke. Seriously! Hurry, I have to rush back home by midnight and pack. My dad made go to his friend's for the summer vacation to help out at their restaurant while he has to go Taiwan, and I have to be there by tomorrow evening." Hyemin bit her lip, feeling guilty. "Okay, let's go." Jongin took Hyemin's hand and led her out of the "dressing room". They decided to take their wedding photos at locations where they had shared memories with each other. The first stop is their elementary school and the photographer is their senior, also friend of Jongin's bestfriend, Minho.

The long day ended and they had only took pictures at 3 places which included Jongin's dancing studio where they spent their dates at and their neighborhood's playground. "Tomorrow we'll be going to the cafe and we're done." Minho smiled at them after showing them the photos they had taken. Thankfully they had great chemistry and Minho is very detailed in explaining to them the photos he wants to take and the scene he had in mind.

"God... do I look okay?" Hyemin asked for the nth time, checking herself in the mirror. Lu Qing who rushed back for the wedding rolled her eyes in annoyance. "Yes, oh gawd." She exasperated but chuckled at her friend's nervousness. It made her look adorable. "The wedding is starting soon, wanna make your way down already?" D.O came in and asked. "Wow.." two women looked at him in surprise, "you look good in suit." D.O blushed before making his way out after muttering a "thanks" under his breath.

"Hyung, do I look okay?" Jongin checked himself in the mirror, fixing his hair as he asked Taemin, his bestfriend, and he was the one who introduced Minho, and EXO. "Fuck god, you look perfect, Kkamjong! Okay?!" Taemin groaned as that he had been asked the same question for the past hour. "It's time!" Baekhyun cheered excitedly. Jongin took a deep breath before making his way to the front of the church as he waited for his beloved to make her entrance into the church. The church was filled with friends from both parties and their family. It easily filled more than 100 people so they got one of the biggest church.

Hyemin took a deep breath before taking Lu Han' hands as he will take her dad's place to walk her down the aisle. When the door was opened, Hyemin could see Jongin waiting with her nervously at the other side. "What if I fall?" She whispered nervously. "I'll catch you, don't worry, I will never let anything happen to you, I promised didn't I? Anyway, Jongin will kill me if I don't." Luhan chuckled before answering. "Let's go." They walked slowly and the aisle seemed to be miles long for Hyemin. Finally when they walked to Jongin's side, Lu Han took Hyemin's hand and handed to Jongin. "Take care of her or I'll snatch her from you."

Jongin smirked, "I won't give you a chance to." He than take Hyemin's hands. After they finished saying their vows, they exchanged rings and Jongin leaned in to kiss Hyemin. "Hey, Mrs Kim." Jongin teased which earned a slap on his chest. "Stop it." Hyemin blushed as she looked on the ground. They made their way out and before getting into the car which was waiting for them, Hyemin stood in front of females and threw her bouquet which somehow got into hands of Lu Qing who standing at the back, not bothering to go forward and fight for it.

Hyemin laughed before making her way to Lu Qing, "Lu Qing, good luck with your relationship with him. I can tell, he likes you." Hyemin whispered and teased her before hurriedly escape. Lu Qing glared at Hyemin, wishing to kill her.

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